Recently, we hosted a class of second graders from Barkstall Elementary School to visit our innovation spaces and try out our technology. It was a great time for everyone!
During Summer 2019, CITL’s Innovation Spaces have been happy to host many guests from universities around the world who are interested in using technology to enhance learning. Here are some photos from these visits that highlight our relationship with other educational institutions across the globe!
Thirteen home-schooled students took time away from their studies to visit the Innovation Spaces to explore laser cutting, 3D printing and virtual reality.
Artist and photographer David Hoptman visited campus to consult on a Nature and VR Lab research project. Read more about David’s work on LinkedIn
Hong Kong Polytechnic University Visit to the Innovation Spaces during Spring 2019.
The Affiliated Tao-Yuan Agricultural & Industrial Senior High School of National Taipei University of Technology visited the TechHub on March 14th.
CITL has successfully worked with AFROTC Detachment 190 to establish a VR flight simulator program to help cadets gain basic aviation understanding without having to pay for expensive flight hours. Last week, the program opened to cadets to sign up and come in for their first flights. The program requires cadets to take a quiz […]
The Daily Illini and Amanda Rhee creates a video feature on one of the TechHub workshops about augmented reality. Click HERE for the video!
Photos from the Spring 2019 Urbana Middle School Field Trip to the CITL Innovation Spaces.
Professor Anna Kasten returned to the Innovation Spaces this time with her class of 16 Saudi students.
Representatives from the Career Center visit the TechHub and VR Lab to learn about 3D printing and explore VR.
It was great to have Monika Dressier from the University of Michigan stop by to check out the Armory Innovation Spaces.
80 freshman education students in EDUC 101 toured the Innovation Spaces to explore how emerging technologies are being used in education.
Professor Randy Sadler and his students visited the VR Lab to explore applications for language learning in virtual reality ImmerseMe – Mondly Languages – VirtualSpeech – . . . and play some Kitty Rescue.
Members of the Illinois Business Council RSO stopped by to take a look at the technologies available at the TechHub and VR Lab.
Visitors from the Data Analysis and Systems Services team stopped by the VR Lab to try out a variety of VR Experiences.
Guests from Zhe Jiang University visit the Innovation Spaces to explore the use of emerging technologies and virtual reality in higher education.
Rick Langlois, retired longtime University Media Professional, returned to the TechHub to learn about the latest media technologies including virtual reality, augmented reality, 360 photography, 3D scanning, etc. While he was here he introduced us to anaglyph 3D photography – think 1950’s blue and red cardboard glasses. For artistic effect, we had him take an […]
Seven visiting Fulbright scholars from Lebanon visit the Armory Innovation Spaces to explore emerging technologies like 3D scanning and VR.
“Thank you so much for kicking off what turned out to be a transformative week for the students attending the 360° Media & Entertainment Camp at the College of Media.The students found your session engaging and eye-opening. You got them thinking about production and storytelling in a whole new way. This contributed to 9 out […]
Young students interested in architecture, on campus for the Summer iSteam program, visited the Innovation Spaces to investigate the intersection of architect and virtual reality.
Charles ‘Stretch’ Ledford brought his journalism students to the Innovation Spaces to investigate multimedia reporting technologies.
Human Interact Website
Students from the Next Generation School returned to the Innovation Spaces to study the history of castles.
Professor Anna Kasten’s class of 15 ‘Future Freshman’ here on a STEM scholarship from Saudi Arabia, visited the Armory Innovation Spaces where they experimented with touch screen technology, virtual reality, 360 photography, 3d printing and more. Student teams also had the chance to defuse a virtual bomb playing Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes on the Vive […]
As part of their recent visit to UIUC campus, traveling scholars from Zhejiang University toured the Armory Innovation Spaces to learn more about how digital textbooks, virtual reality and 3d scanning and printing technologies are being used within higher education.
We have a variety of foreign scholars that visit our spaces throughout the semester. This semester we had a variety of Chinese, Malaysian, and Russian scholars learning more about our innovative learning spaces at the University of Illinois and what they ideas they might be able to take back to their home institutions.
Visiting Scholar, Dr. Mohd Mursyid Arshad, came by the TechHub and VR Lab during his recent visit to campus. He toured the Armory hoping to see some of our newest learning spaces and innovative programs.
On November 9th, 2017, The Center for Innovation in Teaching & Learning co-hosted Lorri Hopping as a guest speaker as a part of the “Playful By Design: Gaming Pedagogies, Digital Literacies, and the Public Humanities” IPRH Research Cluster. Here’s a bit about Lorri and what she shared with campus: “Navigating Tech Revolutions: Confessions of a […]
Staff affiliated with the UIUC Library were among many of the scheduled visits from interested parties across campus.
Professor Grace Georgio held office hours for her Communications 111 in the TechHub where students could either practice their speeches standing in front of a high resolution photo of their actual class audience or step in front of a virtual audience using the Speech Trainer app in the HTC Vive headset.
Grade schoolers from the Next Generation School visited the Innovation Studio and TechHub to learn more about caves. They spent time in the Vive VR headset touring virtual cave sites, and they research caves using google maps in the Innovation Studio.
Playful by Design is a IPRH supported research cluster that focuses on games, platforms and pedagogies designed to foster empathy, to facilitate the attainment of cultural, digital, and linguistic fluencies, and to promote collaborative authorship and digital inclusion through the Public Humanities. They also hope to generate creativity, energy, and excitement around the possible development of […]
Join the Center for Innovation in Teaching & Learning as we celebrate the completion of our new open-air office and innovation spaces in the northeast corner of the Armory. Spaces will be open for tours and hands-on activities. Stop by to enjoy free beverages and snacks throughout the day from 10am-4pm on September 12th, 13th and […]
Beginning on September 5, 2017, the new CITL Virtual Reality Lab begin offering 30 minute HTC Vive sessions for anyone interested. Reserve your 30 session in the VR Lab at