A Note by Elsie Layman
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On January 12, 2024, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) released a review addressed to the U.S. Department of Justice’s Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) that recommended marijuana (Cannabis sativa L.) be rescheduled from Schedule I to Schedule III of the Controlled Substance Act.[1] The unredacted recommendation was released as a result of the effort of Matthew Zorn, who filed a Freedom of Information Act complaint against HHS in September 2023.[2] Zorn announced the recommendation would be released on January 11, 2024 on his blog, writing: “I win . . . Impossible just takes a few weeks.”[3] The release of this recommendation is a win not only for Zorn and people who enjoy the drug recreationally, but for the U.S. cannabis market, which was valued at $13.2 billion in 2022.[4]