Follow English and Creative Writing communities on social media!
Important deadline
Please remember that TODAY Friday, September 1 is the deadline to add a full-semester course (aka “10th day”) and thus the deadline to perfect/finalize your fall schedule.
This is also the deadline for new students and students on academic probation to check in with the English advising office. As a reminder, we do not schedule appointments via email. Please call the office at 217-333-4346 and we will get you on the calendar.
internship opportunity DEADLINE TODAY!
Applications Open for Social Justice Leadership Interns
Application Deadline: Friday, September 1 by 5:00 PM
If you are an Illinois student with a passion for supporting student success through workshops, trainings, tabletop games, and social media, and you would like to work to promote an inclusive campus community, this is the position for you!
english student association 1ST MEETING!

Resume Workshop for LAS Students
Sept 5 @ 3:30 pm
Learn to put together a resume that will help you move forward to the future you want. This informal and interactive workshop focuses on the strengths that LAS students bring to internships and jobs. We will cover current resume best practices, as well as strategies for showcasing your skills to give employers the information about you that they need.
Need Career Wear? UIUC/JCPenney Suit-Up Event on Sept 9 from 5:00 – 8:00 pm can help you get ready. The Career Center has arranged this to help you be ready and look as smart as you are.
Some of the above links take you to Handshake; you will need to create an account and then you’ll be able to access Handshake events to sign up. Note that you can also (in many cases) turn up to an event without signing up beforehand. If you’re uncertain whether pre-registration is mandatory for a given event, email las-careerservices@illinois.edu.
Speaking of career fairs, if you’d like to volunteer to help out at the ACES + LAS Career Fair, please sign up via this link. If you’re nervous about attending career fairs, this might be a good way to get a sense of what they’re like first from behind the scenes!
help us reward excellent teaching!
It’s time to nominate your excellent English department instructors for teaching awards if you haven’t already done so this year! If you have found someone to be especially skilled, knowledgeable, inspiring, or responsive to your needs as a student, please consider submitting a nomination using the very simple form available here.
For the 2023-24 award cycle the deadline for nominations is Tuesday, September 5.
You can nominate any professor, lecturer, or instructor (that includes graduate TAs) who has taught any English department course (BTW, CW, ENGL, RHET) on any topic. You can nominate more than one person. It only takes a few minutes and it can be enormously helpful to the teaching awards committee. Thanks in advance for taking the time to do it!
Call for Participation: Creative Writing and AI
We are a team of researchers at UIUC studying how language generators may impact creative writing processes and the controversial role they currently have in creative production. We are recruiting participants who self-identify as creative writers. Participants will be asked to write a short story and respond to a survey.
Participation is remote, asynchronous, and will last about one hour. You will be given a $10 Amazon gift card for your time. If you would like to participate in this research, please fill out the consent form at https://forms.gle/3n9hdM78uBJa36mD6, which contains more details about the study. You must be at least 18 years old to participate.
Please reach out to David Zhou at david23@illinois.edu if you have any questions about this study. Thank you!
undergraduate research opportunities
Want to keep up with research-related opportunities and events hosted by the Office of Undergraduate Research (OUA)? Subscribe to OUA’s monthly newsletter and you won’t miss a thing!
You might also want to learn more about the Humanities Research Institute (HRI), particularly opportunities for undergraduates (did you know that they hire student interns and that some of them are English or creative writing majors?) in which case you should check out the Undergraduate section on the HRI website.
scholarship opportunity coming up soon!
The Illinois Club provides scholarships to outstanding students in the areas of global studies, humanities and social sciences, science and engineering, education, and art. You must be an undergraduate at UIUC and have earned 60 credit hours by the Spring 2024 semester and be planning to graduate no earlier than December 2024. A minimum GPA of 3.0 is also expected. The applications for these scholarships open on September 5th and will be live until 5pm CST on October 14th, 2023. More information is available at Illinois Club Scholarships.
HRI Prindable Internship in Outreach and Communication
HRI’s Communications and Outreach internship offers real world experience for undergraduate humanities majors.
Are you passionate about the humanities? Undergraduate majors in humanities disciplines are invited to apply for a paid internship in communications and undergraduate outreach at the Humanities Research Institute (HRI), the campus humanities hub. The successful candidate will assist HRI with its communications, including social media, event calendar maintenance, and research and writing projects, in addition to serving as an undergraduate ambassador and a strategist for HRI on undergraduate engagement. For application guidelines see here. Application Deadline: September 15!
New series at the WRC

Join us this semester for a new series: Dinner & Development! This series will offer a variety of professional development workshops specifically designed with women and gender minorities in mind! Join us as we explore how to dismantle traditional pillars of professionalism, build meaningful relationships through networking, and leading with empathy as we enter our careers.
Dismantling Professionalism
Cherisse Smith
September 13 at BNAAC
Networking: Building Meaningful Relationships
Kirstin Wilcox
October 11 at SDRP Room 2050
Leading with Empathy
Joy Das
November 8 at the Illinois Leadership Center (290 Illini Union)
Register today: https://go.illinois.edu/wrc_DD
Dinner is provided at all three events!
The Dinner & Development series is hosted by the Women’s Resources Center in collaboration with the Bruce D. Nesbitt African American Cultural Center, the Illinois Leadership Center, LAS Career Services, and University Housing.
Pre-health? The Career Center can help!
If you’re interested in working in a health field (we know that not all pre-med students are biology majors!) consider attending the Pre-Health Kick-Off on September 6!

invitation from the provost’s office
Dear Students,
Are you looking for opportunities to get involved and work together with peers and campus leadership to strengthen our community? If so, we have the perfect opportunity for you!
The Office of the Provost is now accepting applications for appointment to the 2023-2024 Student Success Undergraduate Advisory Board.
The board is a group of diverse undergraduate students who volunteer to serve as advisors to the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs & Provost and Student Success @ Illinois. They aim to accurately portray the current realities of the undergraduate experience by articulating the highlights and challenges of being a student at the university. As representatives of the undergraduate population at Illinois, their objective is to convey what could make a successful undergraduate student experience.
The Application can be accessed here: https://forms.illinois.edu/sec/2104101941
If selected to participate as a Board member, appointments will be for one full academic year. All applications are due Friday, September 8, 2023, at 11:59 PM CDT.
We hope you will consider applying because your voice is a critical part of the work that we do to ensure your success while at Illinois and beyond graduation!
Kathy Martensen
Associate Provost for Educational Programs and Success Initiatives

Take advantage of tutoring services on campus
Many departments within the College of LAS offer tutoring. Find the right fit for you.
accessible counseling resources
It can be hard to take the first step when you’re in need of counseling, so for ease of access the College of LAS has its own embedded counselor, Andy Novinska and you can contact him directly to schedule an appointment at anovinsk@illinois.edu.
Students can also access Counseling Center services by calling 217-333-3704 between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday – Friday to set up an appointment via the same-day scheduling system. There is also an online scheduling system (please note that appointments are limited via this option so if you try to schedule online and cannot find anything that works please call the office or email Andy).
Workshops for Test Anxiety, ADHD Symptoms, Perfectionism, Body Image, etc. can be found here.
PSA–Heard about 211?

creative writing club

amazing alumni
Congratulations to English department alumnus Andy Sima on the recent publication of Climate: Our Changing World, a book in the Science in Action series for middle-grade readers. Andy graduated from Illinois with majors in creative writing and environmental sustainability and we’re delighted to hear of his success!

Labor Day — No Class
Monday, Sept. 4
Deadline to drop, CR/NCR, or elect grade replacement in a first-half session course
Friday, Sept. 15
ICT/Curriculum changes for Spring 2024
Oct. 2-27