HPRC Symposium hosted by English student association (ESA):
If you want career advice and want to learn about post-grad opportunities for English and creative writing majors, come to the HPRC Symposium for English Department Majors on Tuesday, September 20th from 5:00-7:00 p.m. in English Building #104! The symposium will include a presentation followed by a panel Q&A by the HPRC advisors Kirsten Wilcox and Julie Higgs.
Come to the same room at the same time the following week on Wednesday, September 28th to learn about ways to add to your English major, specifically with the RIGS Concentration or the Environmental Writing Certificate! The RIGS Concentration + Environmental Writing Certificate Symposium will also have a presentation + Q&A with RIGS advisor Professor Candice Jenkins and Environmental Writing Professor Gillen Wood.
These symposiums will be hosted by English Student Association. For more information, contact: Sydney Sadler (ssadler3@illinois.edu).
FLAS Fellowships for English Majors:
Do you study a less commonly taught language (any language except French, German, and Spanish)? Are you a U.S. citizen or permanent resident? If so, consider applying for a Foreign Language & Area Studies (FLAS) fellowship for summer 2023 or academic year 2023-24. FLAS fellowships support both undergraduate and graduate study in modern foreign languages in combination with global or area studies. The purpose of the FLAS program is to train students to integrate global knowledge into a future career in areas of national need like cyber security and business, where knowledge of additional languages is crucial. Learn more about FLAS fellowship opportunities through the European Union Center here, and learn more about FLAS opportunities across campus here. Please look out for the FLAS information session in November. Applications will be due in late January.
undergraduate research support grant:
This grant provides students from all disciplines with the funds necessary to conduct research or creative projects during the academic year both on and off campus (including summer terms). Awards will be up to $2,000 and are meant to cover research travel costs, living expenses incurred during academic breaks (i.e., winter break and summer terms, NOT regular semester living expenses), and materials or other ancillary costs.
For details, eligibility requirements, and link to the application please visit: http://go.illinois.edu/OUR_RSG
The deadline to apply is October 14, 2022 at 11:59pm. For questions or concerns, contact Office of Undergraduate Research at ugresearch@illinois.edu.
Lisnek las hub:
Specially trained peer mentors and advisors are now available to help undergraduates access opportunities to gain experience at Illinois and beyond. Visit Lisnek LAS Hub daily when classes are in session. You can find more information at https://las.illinois.edu/lifecareerdesign/hub.
Library Support Services for Students:
You may find the following library services helpful:
Research consultations are a great way for students to receive help with research papers. Students can receive one-on-one help with any research questions they have, such as brainstorming a research topic, finding and evaluating sources, keyword searches, and more. Research consultations are not meant to check citations or proof-read papers. Students can make an appointment here https://uiuc.libcal.com/appointments?u=104993&lid=586.
Although this is still a work in progress, we are hoping to be officially open in a few weeks! The Library has been collaborating with the Communications Department to set up a Speaking Center for students. The Speaking Center will have consultations available for students to prepare for class presentations, speeches, or to just become more confident in their public speaking skills. Workshops will also be available. I will send out more information once consultations are available for students to sign up for.
Informal Language Conversation Sessions
As part of the Speaking Center, informal language sessions are being offered periodically through the semester. Students can look for upcoming sessions on the events calendar. Next Wednesday, from 3-4pm, French will be offered. These are unstructured, casual, conversations, perfect for students who just want to practice their language skills in a non-academic setting, or who want more informal practice before they study abroad.
Academic Success Series (geared towards International Students)
The Counseling Center has been working with the library to set up monthly workshops regarding mental health and academic success, designed with international students in mind. The next session, Cultural Adjustment and Classroom Culture, is October 11th at 4pm.
If you know of any student parents or student caregivers, please encourage them to use the Family Student Room! Family Kits are available to check out by age range, and a pack n’ play and kid tablets will be available to use any day.
Don’t forget these!
English student association meetings and more!
You are invited to attend the weekly ESA meetings: Wednesdays from 6-7 in the Mary Kay Peer Lounge (basement of the English building), for example. If you want to know more email esaillinois1867@gmail.com.
Or, get involved with Sigma Tau Delta, the English Honors Society if you want to connect with fellow English students, writers, and lovers of literature. You will have opportunities to gain experience publishing, speaking as a panelist at conferences, and/or meeting English students from around the world. For more information, email sigmataudeltaillinois@gmail.com.
The Illinois Club scholarships 2022-2023
This year, The Illinois Club will be awarding the following scholarships:
Humanities and Social Sciences Award of $4,000
Engineering and Science Award of $4,000
Global Focus Award of $4,000
Isabelle Purnell Education Award of $4,000
The Judith Life Ikenberry Fine Arts Award of $4,500
Application Deadline: 5 PM, October 15, 2022.
To learn more about the individual scholarships, and to apply, see go.illinois.edu/TICScholarshipApplication. If you have questions, please direct them to scholarship@theillinoisclub.org.
General Eligibility:
You must be an undergraduate at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, have earned at least 60 credit hours by the beginning of the Spring 2023 semester, and graduate no earlier than December 2023. A minimum GPA of 3.0 at both the time of application and winning of award is also required.

conversation cafe + friday forum
Conversation Cafe + Friday Forum will be starting next week, September 16, 2022. Time: Noon – 1:00 PM. Venue:| University YMCA, 1001 S. Wright St., Latzer Hall, Champaign.
research apprenticeship program
The Undergraduate Research Apprenticeship Program offers undergraduate students with little or no research experience the opportunity to work with graduate students and post-doctoral scholars on their research projects, explore the culture and process of research, and build on their existing abilities within a community of scholars. Applications will be accepted through 6 October 2022. For more information visit http://undergradresearch.illinois.edu/programs/urap.html.
More help with research

Montage Arts Journal, the undergraduate literary magazine of UIUC, is now open for submissions. All publishable forms of art—photography, paintings, sketches, digital art, collages, sculptures, poetry, prose, creative nonfiction, drama, and more—are welcome. This semester’s reading period closes December 15th, but submissions can be emailed to montagejournal@gmail.com any time before then. Please see https://montagejournal.wordpress.com for more information.

Ready to connect with our humanities professional development experts? Beginning 9/22 you can stop by Greg Hall 105 any TUESDAY MORNING between 9:30 and noon or THURSDAY AFTERNOON between 1:00 and 4:00 to meet with Julie Higgs (note that these times have changed since last spring). Starting September 24 Anna will be there Tuesday mornings as well so if you want some academic advising you can schedule an in-person appointment with her during that time and then talk to Julie before or afterwards. It’s one-stop shopping!
You can also connect with Julie in the English advising office during her drop-in hours: 1:30-4:00 every other Monday starting September 12.
The Department of English at Michigan State University is delighted to announce the 4th Annual MUSE Scholars Workshop, which will be held this fall in East Lansing, from October 19-22.
The MUSE Scholars Program is intended for prospective English graduate students from underrepresented groups, including students of African American, Latinx and Chicanx, Asian American, and Indigenous descent. It aims to introduce students to a robust culture of mentoring essential for a rewarding graduate school experience, and a thriving life in academia. You can read more about our first three cohorts of MUSE scholars here.
The all-expenses paid workshop will allow students to learn more about the English department, visit graduate classes, meet faculty and graduate students, receive feedback on their application materials for graduate school, and present their research to faculty.
Students can learn more about the workshop, and submit an application here. The deadline for applications has been extended to September 19.
fall workshops