I-Link, not to be confused with LinkedIn, is the University of Illinois’s job database, managed by our own Career Center. You should know about it because many opportunities for U. of I students (like these upcoming on-campus interviews with the PR firm MARC USA) are ONLY posted there. If you’re not logged into I-Link when you click on a link to it, you will not be able to see it.
You can log onto I-Link with your NetID and password. The first time you log on, you will have some questions to answer, but once you’ve answered them, you won’t have to again. You have the option of uploading a resume and more detailed information, but it’s probably a good idea to hold off on doing that until you know you’re applying for a job that will require it.
Once on I-Link you can find lots of things, but you have to know how to look. Scrolling through the list of jobs is NOT the way to do it! Using the “Advanced Search” bar to locate entry-level jobs or internships in particular fields that interest you is much more effective. I-Link is vital when you prepare for a career fair on campus: you can get detailed information about who will be there and what kinds of positions they are seeking to fill so that you can tailor your resume and elevator pitch accordingly.
Not sure what to do with I-Link? The Career Center offers “I-Link Drop-In Hours” where you can learn more about how to use it effectively