
Facebook insights are available to anyone who creates and manages a community Facebook account. Once a public page generates at least 30 likes, metrics become available to all page managers. A page administrator is the only one who can assign a managerial role to any Facebook user they are friends with. The breakdown and responsibilities allotted to differing managerial positions for pages are as follows:

fb analytics admin rolesscreen capture taken from Facebook.com

Insights allow managers to view a comprehensive breakdown of their page likes, post reach and audience engagement amongst other things. Insights also break down the paid vs. organic reach on posts as well as the unique locations visitors are accessing the content from. Organic means the original post reached the audience, while paid means the target audience was reached through a post boosted by paid advertising. When someone is a page’s manager, they are provided with an additional top menu unseen by normal page viewers.


When accessing insights from an administrator’s perspective, the first thing viewed below this navigation menu is a general overview of page performance for the week.

screen captures provided by WILL

The overview breaks down the total number of page likes, post reach and engagement and subsequently displays the percentage increase or decrease in numbers from the previous week. With this tool, administrators are able to monitor the general metrics of their page.

The “Likes” tab allows managers to view the net likes and unlikes between any specified time period. This screen capture shows the changes between 7/31/2014 and 8/06/2014 for WILL.

It also shows where these page likes are coming from, be it from page suggestions, mobile, original posts or the page itself.

The “Reach” tab shows individual post reach by day for the past month (or any specified time period), and also breaks it down into organic vs. paid reach.

When this graph is highlighted, additional information regarding paid vs. organic can be viewed for comparative purposes. In this case, there are no paid posts.

Additionally, total reach can be viewed. This shows how many people were exposed to any type of activity on the page:


The “Visits” tab allows managers to view the number of times each public page tab was viewed by unique users

Additionally, managers can view how people came to the Facebook page externally broken down by method of origin.

The “Posts” tab lets managers see a comprehensive breakdown of their most recent posts.

It also allows the option of boosting a post by paying a monetary fee in order to place the post higher on the target audience’s news feed and for a longer period of time.

This is what an individual post looks like to a page manager:

Recently, Facebook added a feature that shows the name of the page manager who created the post. This feature was not available prior to April 2014.

The “People” tab breaks down the demographics of users visiting and engaging with the page by sex and age group. This feature has recently been unavailable to page administrators and as such could not be provided by WILL.


The below captures were provided by an Urbana business for viewing purposes prior to the unavailability.

fb analytics people stats

It also breaks down the origin of these users by country, city and language.

fb analytics people origin breakdown