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A metaphor to describe my writing

One thing I know about myself is that it’s difficult for me to come up with creative ideas, for example, “a creative title” that all teachers require when an essay is due. So when I was thinking of a metaphor to describe my writing style, I thought of all the things a great writer must include and it came to me that my writing style is somewhat like cooking. The ingredients must all come together to create something wonderful, but they key is that each ingredient plays their own role in the finished product. 

There are endless possibilities of foods that you combine, and that also is true about words. Depending on what type of food you’re making,  will determine what type of essay you’re writing.

Research Question

One of the most controversial issues that our country is facing today is the legalization of marijuana. I’m not writing a research paper on my opinion of the legalization of marijuana or even legalization of marijuana in general, I’m writing a paper about the already changed law: Medical Marijuana. “What effects on the body does medical marijuana cause and what illnesses does it actually treat?” is the question that most people wonder, but don’t have the answer to unless they do their research. Most people don’t even know if the illness they have is eligible to receive medical marijuana, and I want to answer some of the questions people may have because I have them as well. I know that most teachers are sick and tired of reading ‘legalization of marijuana’ papers, but I know like mine is different and will be very informative.  Our country is changing and it’s inevitable, so we might as well gather all the information we can.

Exploring Topics

Dear incoming freshman/current senior,

There’s so much more adventure and independence in college, and I can’t wait for you to explore all the opportunities that will be presented to you.  Always remember why you are at college and make sure your priorities are straight, school is first. On that note, I am writing a paper for my RHET class and I need help exploring options to talk about. My teacher nor do I want to get bored while reading this essay, so the best essay I could think of would be an research essay. I’m so interested in facts and data that affect our daily lives and the future of our well being. Topics that I’ve been considering are:

Cigarette smoking, cancer, legalization of marijuana, the holocaust, stress and anxiety, drug addiction, and many more ideas to come.