SACNAS Drop-In Chat Hour

Hello everyone! I hope you have had a relaxing holiday break and are invigorated for the new semester! I would like to announce our first SACNAS event of the semester.

We will be holding a Chat Hour this Thursday (Feb 4th) at 5 pm via Zoom (link below) where you can come relax and chat with the SACNAS board and your fellow SACNAistas! We’ll be previewing our plans for the semester and answering any questions you may have about SACNAS. You do not want to miss this as attendees will have priority in receiving supplies for our upcoming DIY bath bomb social (Date TBD) and we will be raffling off a $20 Amazon gift card. There are three additional ways you can increase your number of entries to the raffle in the following manner:

  1. By bringing a friend to the Chat Hour both parties will receive an additional entry (you need to let the board know though!)
  2. By showing up to our first general meeting you get an additional entry.
  3. If you sign up for our email list you can get another entry

The raffle winner will be announced during our first general meeting on Wednesday, February 10, 2021 at 5 PM via Zoom. 

Topic: SACNAS Chat Hour

Time: Feb 4, 2021 05:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)

Zoom link:

Meeting ID: 875 3603 0478

Password: email (from an email address) to get access!