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Pumpkin Eater discussion

The originality report caught most of my faults. One thing that I found weird is that my work cite page was reported as plagiarism. I believe that since the name was cited the originality machine took it as I plagiarized the name. Also, obviously there are things that the originality report cant catch. For example, the originality report cant catch me twisting words around or the fact that i based my assignment on the abstract. The originality tool is a nice tool for teachers to have ,but it is not a one stop shop for faults. A teacher must read over the assignment to check the originality report faults, as well as other faults that the students may have made.

Metaphors for Writing.

Writing is art, right? So why not compare it to other art. The art of painting or the art or making music. All of instruments of expression. All relates to art with the need of process, the search of meaning, and the attempt of interpretation.  

Race card

Racism exceeds any six word definition.


Racism is such a broad concept, six words will never be enough to explain it. Firstly, there are different types of racisms . Systematic , environmental, and racial microagression, just to name a few. Racism is such a broad concept that it is very debatable.   What is the definition of racism? Can the inferior be racist?  Despite the “legal”  growth America has had with racism, socially and economically  has been a different story. Racism has seem to e all the talk these says, even in our presidential elections. Most minorities feel as if one presidential candidate is racist , if not both. Racism is everywhere. Trying to sum it up in six words is impossible.


I have learned many things from my first essay. The most prominent lesson being my grammatical errors. Based on the “feedback to the learner” I was able to review my subject-verb agreement , as well as my apostrophe use.I also realized that I should expand on some of my discussions. At the end of the semester I will first re-think my title. In the comments professor Mary found my title intriguing ,but confusing. I will also include in-text citations, something I was missing entirely. Lastly. I will change my whole conclussion. I feel as if my conclusion was very rushed andbiased.

Revised topic

It is blatant that there is a correlation between the quality of a student’s neighborhood and the higher education rate. Earlier, my topic was on the correlation of neighborhoods and the value of education, but I do not think that a community affects the value of education.  A person’s neighborhood affects their ability to receive a higher education. I believe that a better topic would be why is there such a huge gap between lower income students who receive a bachelor degree and students who come from more established neighborhoods.  The value of education is personal. Socio-economic status does not alters a person’s value, but their abilities. With this topic I can explore many barriers that cause such a big gap. It is obvious that money and the quality of education is two barriers, but I would like to explore more than just the two obvious reasons.

What Genarld helped me notice.

I believe research papers should be treated as a journey, a blind journey. While starting a research paper you will have one goal in mind ,but the information that you receive should guide you along. In Genarld Interview he states ” I believe in write what you really want to find out about.” In my research topic I will research he correlation between  Neighborhoods and the value of education. Although this may sound like a topic with an obvious answer, I would like to go into more detail about how can a neighborhood affect your value of education and what factors can be contributed to that decrease in education value. Also my goal is to find out how can this problem be solved. I believe a research paper should dig deeper than just explaining, but it should offer solutions as well. In my research I know that roughly the worse the neighborhood a student resides in , the more their value of education decrease. I also know that schools in some states are founded based on the value of the property around. This can also be one of my bias. Living in Illinois , public schools are founded by the value of property around. Being a Chicago public school student I got to experience the unfairness firsthand. I believe that the unjust education system in Illinois is what pushed me to decide to research this ttopic.