The Art of Writing

ART. What is art? There is no one definition ,nor answer. Art can be the act of physical expression.

When I hear the word Art it is as if Van Gogh is smothering my eyes with The Starry Night . Flooding my mind with the questions, what is good art and why is art good? There is a thin line between good art and art. Good art is pensive, deep in meaning. Rich in thought and rich in expression

 Starry Night - Van Gogh
Starry Night – Van Gogh

Art is a story. Each good art piece has a background. Chaotic strokes of paint can create something as simple a screaming male figure,but mean so much more. My writing process started Tabula rasa. With each lesson I draw a different stroke , with each achievement a figure is created. This ongoing project includes different techniques that I paint over my journal. My writing started as a two year old with a coloring book and three crayons. With this coloring book I freely scribbled out the lines. My writing has blossomed to an art student finally being challenged with style of art. With every unsymmetrical face drawn on a portrait, a lesson is learned. As I grow up I discover many tools of art; crayons, pencils,paint. My writing is art

Writing is dancing. With the words gracing the paper like movement flows through the ligaments. The author dances through the pages to the sounds of rhetoric. Dance comes in all forms. It can be as classic as as ballet. After every pointe of a toe a new move follows. Building a routine on a journal, move by move.

Dance is a story. Each dance having a background, Like How each “Twerk” shadows an African dancing Mapouka. My writing is a routine. Each motion eventually turning into a dance move. Dancer do not come out the womb destined for greatness. It is years and years of practice until they are even considered just merely good. My writing has started as a two year old learning that their arms and legs can move to a beat. Over the years I have blossomed to a learner , leaping and falling all over the place. With every leap and fall a new lesson is learned. My writing is Dance

Writing is art, right? So why not compare it to other art. The art of painting or the art or making music. All subjective. All instruments of expression. All relates to art with the need of process, the search of meaning, and the attempt of interpretation.