Author’s Statement

Welcome to my Rhet 105 portfolio. This portfolio displays my journey over the semester in this course. I want to thank Professor Hays for making this class apt with knowledge and depth. In this portfolio I have revised 2 major assignments , as well as 2 homework assignments. My first essay revised is my rhetorical analysis on the Democratic party’s protects my values plank. My second essay revsed was my research paper on the how and why a students economic status affects their higher education.
Starting Rhet 105 I thought that it was a waste of time. I had previously took English 101 at a community college ,therefore I thought I was just going to hear the information that I had already learned. It was not until Unit 2 , the unit where preparation for the unit test start, that I realize how useful this class was. In unit 2 our class started our annotated bibliography. Previously I thought that I knew how to correctly do a annotated bibliography. It was not until professor Hayed used one of my citations as an example in class that i started to correctly understand the MLA format of a cited source page. Since that day I have taken Rhet 105 extremely serious. Professor Hayes once said the 2 days a week , a hour and 15 minutes is not enough time to teach us all we need to know. Her links that she put on Compass has helped me in her class in life. Being taught English will only help a student so far. It is fishing for knowledge and trail and error that make s the biggest impact on students.
This course has helped me realize the the art of writing is a process. Not even the great of all greats can create gold in one step. They are still going through the learning phase because the art of rhetoric is an everlasting learning process. Every author must start their “Shitty First Draft” to creating the beautiful art that they do create. In whatever career path that I choose to be in , English will be greatly involved. Thois coourse has added so many skills in my basket and I am forever thankful for professor Hayes.