Where is your favorite place to study on campus?

Dana, Engineering Physics
“My favorite place to study on campus is the Undergrad Library quiet floor on one of those big tables right by the window. The sunshine makes me feel like productive and the quietness helps me focus.”
Haley, Undeclared Engineering
“My favorite place to study on campus would have to be the Grainger Engineering library. I just can’t focus when I’m studying in my own dorm room because I get distracted so easily. In Grainger, I feel like I’m more motivated by everyone else working around me. Also, there are just so many resources that students can utilize at that library, such as CARE tutoring, the whiteboards, the desks, the quiet spaces, and all of the other students studying similar class materials willing to help you out. It is probably one of the best working environments on campus.”
Isha, Mechanical Engineering
“I love studying at the UGL because there is the right amount of noise to keep you focused but also not fall asleep. Also there is an Espresso Royale conveniently located there for late night caffeine needs. For these reasons, I also love studying at the union.”