October is here and that means recruitment events, LSATs, application drafting, and more! As the admission cycle continues in full swing, we wanted to provide some tips and reminders for this month for all our UIUC applicants!
Tip 1: Step Back, Assess, Adjust
The last few months and weeks have been busy, this is an important point in the process to take a step back and assess the status of your application and your overall timeline goals. Results from August or September LSAT exams may have required additional testing in October or November; it might be taking longer to secure recommenders or obtain transcripts; unexpected workload or class projects may have taken time away from application prep – whatever the case, adjustments to original plans are inevitable in a process as robust as applying to law school. What is important is to make regular assessments of your overall plans and proactive check-ins to assess your status and progress. This is a perfect time in the cycle to look at the upcoming months, your obligations in the upcoming weeks, the status of your application progress and to make adjustments to original plans as needed.
TIP 2: Prioritize
We are at a very unique point in the application cycle where many applicants are at varying points of completion. Some of you may be done with the LSAT and are refining personal statements and essays; some of you may be studying for a second LSAT attempt while beginning to draft documents; others may still be studying for a first LSAT attempt. Whatever your status there is still plenty of time and opportunity for success in this cycle! Below is a quick list of priorities on your application checklist. If you’ve completed an item, move on to the next; if you’re still working on multiple items – keep in mind the highest priority and allocate your time accordingly!
- Register for the Credential Assembly Service (CAS) & Submit Transcripts…
- Confirm Recommenders & make an agreement on completion date for letters…
- Study and Prepare for the next LSAT Attempt…
- Create a list of schools you are interested in applying to, keep revisiting your list as you learn more about schools – begin confirming specific application requirements for schools on your list…
- Work on the application components – resume, personal statement, and essays…
TIP 3: Research & Connect
October is a very busy recruitment and prospective student engagement month! Law school admissions personnel are traveling across the county meeting and engaging with prospective law students as part of the admissions cycle recruitment process. This is the time for you to connect with schools and learn more about your law school options! Whether you already have a very specific list of schools – or are just starting to create your list, law fairs and other programming can provide invaluable insights into your efforts. By attending these events you will help your candidacy by making important connection points while gaining an opportunity to ask specific questions, seek insights from those who will review your application, and gather additional information about school options. The information gathered from these efforts will help you prepare a more successful application, and determine the right list of schools to apply to!
Be sure to check out the PLAS Master calendar for a listing of upcoming events and opportunities, as well as the LSAC Events calendar.
TIP 4: Ask for Help!
There are many resources available to help prospective law students navigate the application process. For UIUC students and alumni – a great place to start is the Pre-Law Advising Office. We care about your goals and are here to help you at every step of the application process with general questions, document review, special programming, and more. Below is a list of resources available to you!
- General Advising and Application Questions – schedule an appointment with a pre-law advisor online, in-person and virtual appointments are available!
- Document Review Appointments – Get feedback on resumes, personal statements, and supplemental essays from pre-law/law admission experts!
- PLAS Workshops & Events – the PLAS office hosts a combination of reoccurring workshops and special events each year focusing on topics and information relevant for the admissions process. A complete list of programming is available on the PLAS Calendar and Events page.
- Online PLAS Resources – check out the PLAS Canvas Page & Handbook for quick questions any time.
- External Pre-Law Events & Resources– learn about various pre-law events and programs hosted by law schools and other organizations across the country on the PLAS Master Calendar!