Tag Archives | millet

CSIR, MoFA Initiate New Technology to Produce Bakery Products

The Ministry of Agriculture of Ghana has initiated a project meant to develop technology to make composite flour out of various crops including cassava, sweet potato, maize, sorghum, millet, and others. The project aims to reduce dependence on imports of wheat flour, improve food security, and cut postharvest losses. http://www.ghanabusinessnews.com/2013/09/04/csir-mofa-initiate-new-technology-to-produce-bakery-products/


Technology and Innovation Aim at Greater Food Security

Kansas State University is home of the new Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Collaborative Research on Sorghum & Millet. In partnership with USAID, the lab will focus on finding new technologies and techniques for smallholder farmers to maintain and increase productivity in times of climate change. http://www.ipsnews.net/2013/07/technology-and-innovation-aim-at-greater-food-security/  


Tools Trialed to Curb Postharvest Millet Losses

Compatible Technology International, a non-profit engineering organization, will be testing new hand-held devices for sorghum and millet in Senegal with support of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Farmers are reported to lose up to 1/5 after harvest, and the group hopes to reduce these losses, along with the drudgery of labor usually befallen upon […]


Sustainable Intensification of Cereal-Based Farming Systems in Eastern and Southern Africa

Meeting minutes were published from the ‘Sustainable Intensification of cereal-based farming systems in Eastern and Southern Africa Project Inception Workshop‘ held from 6-9 February in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. The minutes include crucial questions, magnitudes, and possible strategies to achieve better sustainable agriculture. http://africa-rising.wikispaces.com/Dar_Targets+group  


TNAU Gets Patent for Instant Cumbu Food

The Tamil Nadu Agricultural University in India has developed new technology and acquired a patent for a ‘ready-to-cook Cumbu mix and food’. This technology allows millet to be processed and packaged without preservatives and also allows millet to re-enter diets, as more easily processed foods such as rice have taken over. http://ibnlive.in.com/news/tnau-gets-patent-for-instant-cumbu-food/229251-60-118.html
