Big data, or the large amounts of information being generated around the world at faster-than-ever rates, is said to already have significant impacts on the farming industry in ways that will only increase. The high levels of farm efficiency needed to feed 9 billion people by midcentury will require data-driven mechanization and technological adaptations.
Archive | Farm level
RSS feed for this sectionRunning a Farm Business From Your Phone?
A Kenyan company has created an app that tracks deliveries from farm to market. The app, Agrimanagr, monitors inventory, supports mobile payments, and weighs out products with information on the cloud.
Using ICT to Enhance Marketing for Small Agricultural Producers
This USAID briefing paper serves to identify appropriate and effective information communication technologies (ICT) for agricultural value chain interventions. Relevant topics discussed include marketing, traceability, production management and data analytics, value addition, technical literacy, gender dynamics, and others.
ICT Could Become Key Influencer Across Agri Value Chain: Nasscom
The National Association of Software Services Companies in India says increased use of ICT is key to the country’s agricultural productivity and food security success. Expansion of technologies that can support initiatives in precision farming, extension, marketing, and supply chain management is expected to increase.
Technology and Innovation Aim at Greater Food Security
Kansas State University is home of the new Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Collaborative Research on Sorghum & Millet. In partnership with USAID, the lab will focus on finding new technologies and techniques for smallholder farmers to maintain and increase productivity in times of climate change.
Harnessing Postharvest Handling Gains
A trade specialist says the lack of observation of modern postharvest handling practices in Uganda is a serious challenge for the grain industry, which must ensure quality to remain competitive. Experts call for an enforceable grain policy to mitigate the physical and revenue losses incurred by poor practices such as ground drying and improper pest […]
How to Prevent Hunger in Upcoming Decades? Try Precision Agriculture
IBM Chief Scientist says precision agriculture can help change the future of farming to feed a population of 9.2 billion in 2050. An IBM technology, Deep Thunder, can forecast future weather conditions and help farmers decide the best time to plant, irrigate, and harvest. Precise and predictive information can prevent losses in ways such as […]
When Food Storage Can Become Food Security
A social reporter for the African Agriculture Science Week blogs on the importance of storage for smallholder farmers to increase food security. The post describes the role of technologies such as silos and solar dryers, and describes ways to make low-cost storage options to fit farmers’ needs.
Once Upon A Village Value Chain in Africa
The Deputy Director for Agriculture for Impact, Michael Hoevel, writes about rural transformations he witnesses during a visit to a Kenyan village. Hoevel stresses the impact of value chain activities on productivity, income generation, and food security in describing the work of several organizations focused on this type of intervention.
Postharvest Losses to be Reduced with Support from Government
Minister of Food and Agriculture Humado inaugurated a new representative body, the Conference of District Directors of Agriculture, that will provide increased attention to the needs of the agricultural sector throughout the country. In his address, Humado stressed a focus on reducing postharvest losses.