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Mudras (hand gestures) in the New Delhi airport representing open-ended symbology to create an “Expressive India.” Photo credit: ADMI/Matt Niewiara

Travelogue 11: Bittersweet goodbyes and more surprises

By Hitarth Patel, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign sophomore studying agricultural and biological engineering This series of posts was written by students in the ACES 298: Postharvest Loss Prevention study abroad program, which introduces participants to postharvest processes of grains and perishables and loss prevention in the Bihar and Punjab areas of India. Today I […]

Tiranga, the national flag of India hoisted at Central Park, Connaught Place. Photo credit: ADMI/Thomas Poole

Travelogue 10: A fond farewell to India

By Thomas Poole, University of Illinois sophomore majoring in crop sciences This series of posts was written by students in the ACES 298: Postharvest Loss Prevention study abroad program, which introduces participants to postharvest processes of grains and perishables and loss prevention in the Bihar and Punjab areas of India. These were the final days […]

A demonstration of how the sub surface irrigation lines are uniformly put in the ground at BISA – Ludhiana. Photo credit: ADMI/Kathy Johnson

Travelogue 9: Drones, sub-surface irrigation, and other ‘game-changing’ technologies at BISA

By Marcous Phillips, University of Illinois student studying technical systems management This series of posts was written by students in the ACES 298: Postharvest Loss Prevention study abroad program, which introduces participants to postharvest processes of grains and perishables and loss prevention in the Bihar and Punjab areas of India. After almost two weeks of Indian […]

Mahabodhi Temple in Bodh Gaya/ Photo credit: ADMI/Alex Lake

Travelogue 8: Like Buddha, seeking enlightenment through partnership

By Adriana Noboa, University of Illinois student majoring in crop sciences This series of posts was written by students in the ACES 298: Postharvest Loss Prevention study abroad program, which introduces participants to postharvest processes of grains and perishables and loss prevention in the Bihar and Punjab areas of India. As the short days spent […]

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Travelogue 7: These issues impact all of humanity, we need to learn to work together

By Matthew Niewiara, University of Illinois sophomore majoring in agricultural and biological engineering This series of posts was written by students in the ACES 298: Postharvest Loss Prevention study abroad program, which introduces participants to postharvest processes of grains and perishables and loss prevention in the Bihar and Punjab areas of India. Today, we had […]

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Travelogue 6: Stress in numbers for India rice losses

By Shean Lin, University of Illinois student majoring in agricultural and biological engineering This series of posts was written by students in the ACES 298: Postharvest Loss Prevention study abroad program, which introduces participants to postharvest processes of grains and perishables and loss prevention in the Bihar and Punjab areas of India. Hello readers! I’m […]

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Travelogue 5: To the villages of Bihar, we went

By Whitney Kwok, University of Illinois senior majoring in horticulture This series of posts was written by students in the ACES 298: Postharvest Loss Prevention study abroad program, which introduces participants to postharvest processes of grains and perishables and loss prevention in the Bihar and Punjab areas of India. The RAU students joined us for […]

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Travelogue 4: Diving into PHL studies with RAU partners

By Kathryn Johnson, University of Illinois junior majoring in food science and human nutrition This series of posts was written by students in the ACES 298: Postharvest Loss Prevention study abroad program, which introduces participants to postharvest processes of grains and perishables and loss prevention in the Bihar and Punjab areas of India. Today was […]

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Travelogue 3: Leaving the city behind

By Timothy Jang, University of Illinois junior majoring in horticulture This series of posts was written by students in the ACES 298: Postharvest Loss Prevention study abroad program, which introduces participants to postharvest processes of grains and perishables and loss prevention in the Bihar and Punjab areas of India. We’re flying out of Delhi today. […]

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Travelogue 2: Fascinated by Indian culture, architecture

By Megan James, University of Illinois senior majoring in crop sciences This series of posts was written by students in the ACES 298: Postharvest Loss Prevention study abroad program, which introduces participants to postharvest processes of grains and perishables and loss prevention in the Bihar and Punjab areas of India. In our visit to Agra […]
