World Food Day annually promotes awareness of food and agricultural issues and celebrates the work of those concerned with food security. This year, international figures recognized reducing postharvest losses as a necessary component of policymaking and action. Remarks came from leaders including Pakistani President Zardari and Kenyan Agricultural Minister Dr. Sall Kosgey. Chinese grain officials organized a nation-wide “24-hours […]
Centre to Reduce Post Harvest Losses
The International Wheat and Improvement Centre (CIMMYT) spoke to farmers in Malawi on the importance of effective grain storage in acheiving a “sustainable livelihood.” CIMMYT highlighted the large amount of postharvest loss that occurs on the African continent due to poor grain storage, in Malawi specifically because of rodents and weevils. The Malawi Ministry of Agriculture supported […]
Communication Officers Produce Videos to Outscale Postharvest Technologies
The IRRI Training Center in Los Banos, Philippines, is using videos to help train farmers on how to use new technologies effectively in the reduction of PHL. Recent videos focus on the IRRI Superbag and flatbed dryers. Each video discusses how to use the respective technology and making the videos appealing through the addition of […]
Peasant Farmers Demand 5% of SADA Funds
The northern region of the Peasant Farmers’ Association of Ghana has appealed to use 5% of its budget for building storage facilities, as a means to reduce PHL. The request occurred at a workshop entitled ‘Expanding Farmer Access to Market and Storage Facilities in Northern Region’, funded by the BUSAC Fund, Danida, the European Union […]
Uganda: Collective Actions Shield Small-Holder Farmers
Ugandan small-holder farmers find collectives advantageous and profitable, while learning valuable postharvest and business skills. The Kapchorwa Commercial Farmers’ Association (KCFA) has a warehouse and provides training to farmers, while improving incomes through using Warehouse Receipt Systems. The WFP Uganda Country Director has noted that over $600,000 in bank credit has been offered to the […]
Mechanizing Agriculture for Food Security
A critique of mechanizing the Philippine’s agricultural sector and finding more culturally-acceptable solutions was made by a senator calling for more training for farmers and a general “attitude change” on behalf of the government.
Ghana Grains Company Takes Steps to Enforce Warehouse Standards
Ghana Grains Company uses the Warehousing Receipt System to reduce farmers’ PHL. The company is also providing training to farmers unfamiliar with the concept so that they can fully utilize the services offered by the WRS to achieve better returns at the market level. Kenyan farmers are also using a similar system for maize storage […]
Powering Energy to Face the Challenges of World Hunger
USAID is partnered with the Swedish government, Duke Energy, the Overseas Private Investment Corporation, the African Development Bank, and the U.S. Department of Agriculuture in the creation of a program called Powering Agriculture: An Energy Grand Challenge for Development, which addresses the barriers in development, particularly at the intersection of agriculture and energy. The program will […]
A Grain of Rice: Small But Meaningful Collective Efforts
An article on the Korean-Philippine joint project to build rice processing complexes features the issues of Philippine rice PHL, as well as the impact of these new facilities. The article also examines future plans for vocational training centers.
Reducing African Farmers Post Harvest Losses
A project run by MicroEnterprise Africa is seeking funding via a charity-supporting online platform. The goal for the project is to build a warehouse to preserve Malawi subsistence farmers’ harvest from insects and pests. The charity runs a farm, collects produce, and transports it to markets, and seeks to expand its resources through storage and […]