In Ghana, the EU/ADRA project increased staple food production up to 400% in selected districts.
In Defence of Rwanda’s Agricultural Underperformance
Rwanda is being held back by education, irrigation and drought issues, and a perceived risk in agricultural payback. The Minister of Agriculture is focusing on crop intensification projects, consolidating farmer land into cooperatives, and investing in postharvest infrastructure as a means to address the subpar agricultural results.
ASEAN Food Security Conference, the CURE and ACIAR Training-Workshop
The IRRI Weekly Bulletin highlighted the ASEAN Food Security Conference, the CURE and ACIAR training-workshop on technology evaluation, the role of the Pinoy Rice Knowledge Bank’s for Philippine farmers and extension workers, and the IRRI-ADB project regarding “Addressing the Pre- and Postharvest Challenges in the Rice Supply Chain (in Phillipines).”
Sub-regional Workshop on Post-harvest Loss Reduction in West Africa
A sub-regional workshop on post-harvest loss reduction in West Africa was held from 31 May – 3 June 2011 in Accra. The FAO collaborated with the World Bank and the College of Agriculture and Consumer Sciences, University of Ghana, to organize a workshop on the subject of post-harvest losses reduction. The workshop, which attracted 30 agricultural and […]
Fact Sheet: Increasing Prosperity in India, U.S., Africa
The United States and India will continue to negotiate a bilateral investment treaty, which includes collaborating on food security issues in Africa, and the US aiding India in improving farm-to-market practices in order to reduce PHL. The two countries will aid the countries of Liberia, Malawi, and Kenya to “improve agricultural production by sending participants from […]
Harvesting the Future: FAO and the EU Improve Postharvest Conditions
Cambodia and the EU are working together to improve postharvest conditions (video) through distribution of tarpaulins and rice storage bins and the provision of complementary training. This specific project will affect about 9,000 families.
Minister Calls for Better Packaging of Products
The Minister of Trade and Industry expressed dissatisfaction that packaging in Ghana is at its elementary stage, saying it contributed to product damage and postharvest loss. The Minister highlighted that packaging has been identified as “one of the major reasons for the failure of locally manufactured good to compete favorably with imported goods”. She spoke […]
Experts Call for Improved Technologies to Reduce Loss in Rice Harvesting
Pointing out that post-harvest loss in rice occurred to the extent of 15 per cent, K. Alagusundaram, Director, Indian Institute of Crop Processing Technology, Thanjavur, suggested strategies for minimizing them. “Though paddy harvest is completely mechanized, there is still a need for developing mechanical harvesters that will not cause damage to either the grains or straw. […]