Congratulations to Sue Searing for winning the ALISE 2012 Best Conference Paper Award for the second year in a row for her paper, “The Special Collection in Librarianship: Researching the History of Library Science Libraries.” Sue presented this paper at the 2012 ALISE Annual Conference which was themed “Extending Our Reach: Expanding Horizons, Creating Opportunity.” Searing’s article was recently published in the Fall 2012 issue of the Journal of Education for Library & Information Science and she will be presented with the award plaque at the ALISE 2013 Conference in January. Continue reading
Monthly Archives: October 2012
Online Ethics Resource Launched
Ethics CORE, an interactive resource designed to provide researchers and professionals in the sciences, social sciences, engineering, and mathematics with information on ethical practices and materials on Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR), is now available at The University Library played an integral role in the $1.5 million National Science Foundation (NSF) grant awarded to Illinois to develop the site, which is housed in the Grainger Engineering Library Information Center (see the 2010 project announcement at
Co-principal investigators include Taft Broome, Howard University (Civil Engineering); Nicholas Burbules, Illinois (Education); Michael Loui, Illinois, (Electrical and Computer Engineering); and William Mischo, Illinois (University Library).
IMLS Grant to Fund Preservation Self-Assessment Program
The University Library will receive a National Leadership Grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS). The Library will partner with the William R. and Clarice V. Spurlock Museum; the McLean County Museum of History; Heritage Preservation, Inc.; the Chicago History Museum; the Illinois Heritage Association; and the Illinois State Library to develop the Preservation Self-Assessment Program, a free computer-based tool that will help library, museum, and archives staff to conduct physical assessment and prioritization of preservation needs for paper-based and photographic materials. This tool will build upon the project director Jennifer Hain Teper‘s previous work developing a similar tool for assessing audio-visual collections, and will produce a detailed preservation report prioritizing collection items in order of preservation need. The tool will be designed to allow interoperation with other emerging software tools such as the open-source Archives Space collections management tool.
Article Recognized by ASEE
The Engineering Library Division of the ASEE (American Society for Engineering Education) Awards Committee has announced their 2012 award winners. Among them, the Committee extended an Honorable Mention to William Mischo and Mary Schlembach for their article “Open Access Issues and Engineering Faculty Attitudes and Practices,” published in the Journal of Library Adminstration, Volume 51, No. 5-6. The article gives a “very clear explanation of how OA has evolved and the role it plays in the engineering literature” and “provides a good road map in how to get engineering faculty engaged in the discussion of such issues.” The article greatly impressed the Awards Committee and provided a real challenge for decision making.