FY 2025 Promotions and Tenure

The Library is central to the University of Illinois’ mission of teaching, research, and public service. It is one campus unit that serves all academic disciplines, and our faculty are an integral part of our success.

Beginning Fall 2025, we will recognize new promotions and tenure annually here on the Recognizing Excellence blog.

Congratulations to the following faculty members on their promotions to full professor in FY25:

  • Heidi Imker, Director, Research Data Service; Elaine and Allen Avner Professor; Professor, University Library
  • Kirstin Johnson, Head, Music and Performing Arts Library; Music and Performing Arts Librarian; Professor, University Library
  • Mary Schlembach, Chemistry and Physical Sciences Librarian; Professor, University Library
  • Tom Teper, Associate Dean of Libraries; Associate University Librarian for Collections and Technical Services; Professor; Coordinator, Project Planning, University Library
  • Steve Witt, Head, International and Area Studies Library; International and Area Studies Librarian; Professor, University Library
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Zulauf Wins ORCID US Community Award

Mark Zulauf

Mark Zulauf, Researcher Information Systems Coordinator for Scholarly Communication and Publishing, has won an award for “Most Helpful Individual” from the ORCID US Community. This award recognizes a member of the ORCID US Community who was especially helpful to their peers.

The ORCID US Community provides a national community of practice for ORCID adoption and integration, maximizing the benefits of ORCID for premium consortium member organizations through dedicated support and a range of resources. ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) is an open, non-profit, community-driven initiative to create a world where all who participate in research, scholarship, and innovation are uniquely identified and connected to their contributions across disciplines, borders, and time. Zulauf was recognized in the ORCID US Community newsletter this past December for his advocacy with Pure’s ORCID integration and his continued guidance and support to Pure users engaging with ORCID.

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Witt Featured in IFLA Journal Special Issue

Steve Witt

The latest issue of the IFLA Journal (Volume 50, Number 4, December 2024) features the work of several University Library and iSchool scholars. The special issue draws on papers presented at a satellite conference of the IFLA Library & Information Congress which took place in Mons, Belgium in August 2023, entitled “Preserving our origins: Approaches to the organization, curation, and historiography of the record of national and international organizations in libraries, information, and documentation.” The conference, sponsored by IFLA’s Library History Special Interest Group, was organized by the Group’s Chair, Dr. Steve Witt, Head of the International and Area Studies Library, Director of the Center for Global Studies, and editor of the IFLA Journal. As editor of the special issue, Witt provides a comprehensive summary of, and reflection on, the fourteen-paper collection, under the editorial title “Libraries at the intersection of the history and the present.” The collection includes studies by two iSchool Professor Emeriti: W. Boyd Rayward traces efforts after World War II to create an international information order, while Alistair Black examines the archival practices of the world’s national library and information associations. Cara Bertram (Archives Program Officer) maps out in detail the responsibility that the University Archives has assumed for preserving the history of the American Library Association. The special issue represents a significant stepping stone to upcoming celebrations marking the centenary of IFLA in 2027, which will include the publication of a historical monograph edited by Witt.

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Summer 2024 Publications by Library Faculty and Academic Professionals

To follow our previous post covering presentations, we recognize the publications our Library faculty and academic professionals have published this summer. See the selected bibliography below to learn more about these topics.

(Links to OA journals, the DOI for individual articles, or the catalog record are provided when available.)

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