

엄마, 이 웹사이트는 내가 이번 봄 학기때 영어수업에서 배운것들을 모아서 블로그 처럼 꾸며보며 내가 얼만큼 성장했는지 기록하기 위해서 만들어놓은거야. 숙제는 에쌔이 두개 숙재 두개 다시 수정해가며 내가 무엇을 바꾸고 바꾸었을때 무엇을 배웠는지 적어놓는블로그 처럼. 숙제랑 이번 과목에서 많은 책들을 통해서 인생의 대한 몇가지를 배운거같아. 첫재로 죄에대한 것들을 배웠지. 죄를 아무리 숨긴다해도 다른 사람들은 그 죄를 볼수있고, 그 죄를 고백하지 않고 계속 내 안에 숨겨두면 영적으로 사람이 죽어간다고 느꼈어. 늘 항상 엄마가 나한태 말해줬듯이. 이 숙제를 통해서 내가 엄마의 하는 말을 다 귀담아있다는거를 느꼈으면 좋겠어. 오빠처럼 생각이 많다는거를 느꼈으면 좋겠어.

늘 엄마를 위해 열심히 최선을 다할 엄마의 딸, 지수 올림.

Dear Mom,

Mom, this website is for my English class that I started in the Spring semester. The purpose of this website is to gather all that we have learned and revise and reflect on what has changed throughout the semester. Through most of the books, readings, and homework assignments, I learned a lot of things on life. It seems that sin was a concept that was common in most of these readings. I realized that no matter how hard you try to hide sin, there will be people that will be able to see through me; and if I don’t confess those sins, they will corrupt me and bring me down spiritually. Just as you would always tell me. I hope that through my homework assignments, you would be able to see that I am always listening to what you tell me. And I hope that you will see that I am much like my older brother in that I, too, have many inner thoughts.


From your daughter that will always strive for the best for you.