
My writing experience and process has been one similar to preparing and finishing a work of art. Starting with thumbnail sketches, I draw out various compositions of a particular subject matter that pertains to the assignment. Sometimes, I even draw different views of the same composition. My goal in this drafting stage is to get out all of the possible ideas and compositions so that I can revise the composition and be content before I start drawing or painting the actual work of art. This is similar in my writing experience because I also start with a “drafting” stage where I will write out all of my ideas for the essay and outline on paper. If quotes are needed, I will write the page number and part of the quote, so I can easily be prepared when I begin writing out my actual essay. This drafting stage in my writing is where I do all of my major planning and changes to ideas or organization before I start. I think that my writing experience is almost identical to that of my experience in art because I organize and prepare essentially in the same manner for both.

Here is a link to my portfolio for other works of art:

DSC_0093    c7oil