For the movie review, I fixed minor errors in grammar and word choice. I sometimes find it difficult with minor errors like the use of “who” and “whom” or choosing the right words because English is not my primary language. For example, I used the word “compliment” rather than “complement” because I thought “compliment” was the only word I could use. I did not even know of “complement” until I read the link Professor Hays sent me teaching me the difference between the two similar words. I learned that compliment was the action of saying something nice to someone, whereas complement had various meanings associated with matching, supplementing, or adding. I thought that the word “compliment” also had this meaning because of my lack of diverse vocabulary. Also, in this homework assignment, I could have had more deeper analysis. I forget to follow through with analysis thinking that I have analyzed to the best of my abilities. So, for the areas that could have used more analysis (in terms of how certain elements in the movie have effects on viewers) I added more analysis. For example, when Chris Landreth portrayed as abstract sculptures reflecting who they are psychologically as people, I did not have the effect of that on the viewer at first. But upon discussing the movie again in class today, I realized new facts about the movie, and added the effects of certain portrayals into the analysis.