
  • Front row, l-r: Dr. Hyang Yeon Lee, Rachel Schaaf, Brett Cain, Suja Thakali, Dr. Jenny Van Natta, Luis Munoz, Jonathan Maturano. Middle row, l-r: Michael Mulligan, Dr. Myung Ryul Lee, Kyle Abo, Diego Lopez, Amanda Smith, Brooke Bowens, Emily Nash, Morgan Gugger, Rowan Glover. Back row, l-r: Kameron Wildeman, Thomas Trzupek, Dr. Zachary Liveris, Dr. Jonny Quirke, Dr. Matteo Martinelli, Blake Levy, Jeffrey Chance, Vinny Pillai, Prof. Paul Hergenrother
    Hergenrother Group February 2025. 

Welcome to the Hergenrother Lab!

With a guiding theme of using chemistry and small-molecules to identify, explore, and define novel targets for the treatment of disease, we aspire to make an impact in both chemistry and biology. We are both chemists and biologists, using the scientific techniques necessary to solve complex disease-driven questions.

​In the Hergenrother lab, we are fully committed to fostering a culture of diversity, inclusion, and equity in our lab and department. Our group welcomes all people with talent of all racial, cultural, and socioeconomic backgrounds, sexual orientations, and gender expressions to join us in our pursuit of scientific discovery. We pledge to be supportive of all individuals and maintain a collaborative and inclusive environment.

Our webapp for predicting compound accumulation in Gram-negative bacteria is live!  Please see: https://entryway.igb.illinois.edu/

Our Research