The Structural Stability Research Council recently announced a leadership transition, with Todd Helwig, Professor at University of Texas at Austin, elected as Chair and Larry Fahnestock elected as Vice-Chair. Ben Schafer, Professor at Johns Hopkins University, is immediate Past-Chair after a three-year term as Chair of SSRC.
Monthly Archives: August 2016
Kozak Passes PhD Preliminary Exam
Congratulations to Derek Kozak on presenting his research proposal and passing the PhD preliminary exam! Derek is working under the supervision of Prof. Larry Fahnestock and Prof. James LaFave on the project Calibration and Refinement of Illinois’ Earthquake Resisting System Bridge Design Methodology: Phase II, which is sponsored by the Illinois Center for Transportation.
Bridge Collapse Review Paper Published
A new paper on the collapse of a span in the I-5 Skagit River Bridge, which occurred due to a vehicle strike, is now available in the ASCE Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities:
Stark, T., Benekohal, R., Fahnestock, L., LaFave, J., He, J., and Wittenkeller, C. (2016). “I-5 Skagit River Bridge Collapse Review.” J. Perform. Constr. Facil. , 10.1061/(ASCE)CF.1943-5509.0000913, 04016061.
Fahnestock Lectures in China
Last week, Prof. Fahnestock delivered invited lectures at Beijing University of Technology, as part of the 2nd Huixian International Forum on Earthquake Engineering for Young Researchers, and at Dalian University of Technology. Also at the Huixian Forum, Prof. Bill Spencer delivered one of the keynote lectures.
Luo Defends PhD Dissertation
Congratulations to Jie Luo on defending his PhD dissertation last week! Jie will be joining Rutherford + Chekene in San Francisco as a structural engineer. Best wishes to Jie as he begins his professional career!