ASCE JBE Editor’s Choice

Two recent papers in Volume 29 of the ASCE Journal of Bridge Engineering are featured in the Editor’s Choice Collection:

Congratulations to Gaoyu Liu and Sunny Zhou for this recognition of contributions from their Ph.D. research!

Journal Special Issue Opportunities

Submissions are currently being accepted for two journal special issues related to innovations in earthquake engineering:

Journal of Structural Engineering is seeking papers for a Special Issue on “Innovations in Energy Dissipation Devices for Seismic Protection.”

Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics is seeking papers for a Special Issue on “Large-scale testing of earthquake-resistant structures: Accomplishments and future challenges.”

New ASCE Journal Papers Published

Congratulations to Aradhana Agarwal and Sunny Zhou for recently publishing ASCE journal papers on their Ph.D. research! Aradhana is studying seismic stability of multi-tiered braced frames (supported by AISC) and Sunny is studying service performance of composite steel I-girder bridges (supported by ICT).

Agarwal, A. and Fahnestock, L.A. “Comparative Seismic Response Evaluation of Steel Multi-Story and Multi-Tiered Ordinary Concentrically Braced Frames,” Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE.

Zhou, S., Fahnestock, L.A. and LaFave, J.M. “Development of Skewed Steel I-Girder Bridge Field Monitoring Strategy through Agency Survey and Numerical Simulation,” Practice Periodical on Structural Design and Construction, ASCE.

Zhou Presents at IBC 2022

Congratulations to PhD candidate Sunny Zhou for presenting today at the International Bridge Conference in Pittsburgh! Sunny’s presentation, “Construction and Live Load Behavior of a Skewed Steel I-Girder Bridge,” describes a portion of the ongoing project “Evaluation of Spatial and Temporal Load Distribution in Steel Bridge Superstructures,” which is sponsored by the Illinois Center for Transportation. Accompanying the IBC presentation is a peer-reviewed paper in Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, which is now available online:

Zhou, S., Fahnestock, L.A., LaFave, J.M. and Dorado, R. “Construction and Live Load Behavior of a Skewed Steel I-Girder Bridge,” Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board (published online July 14, 2022)

Paper on Frame-Spine-FLC Testing at E-Defense

In December 2020 – as part of the NSF-funded project “Collaborative Research: Frame-Spine System with Force-Limiting Connections for Low-Damage Seismic-Resilient Buildings” –  researchers from the University of Illinois, Lehigh University, Oregon State University, Kyoto University, Hokkaido University and E-Defense conducted full-scale building earthquake simulations on the shake table at the Hyogo Earthquake Engineering Research Center (E-Defense).  The four-story building employed a novel low-damage structural system and the building was furnished with hospital fixtures and equipment to evaluate protection of occupants and building contents.  The testing program concluded on December 17 with an earthquake simulation using an input acceleration record from the 1995 Kobe Earthquake (100% JMA Kobe video linked).  A paper that provides an overview of the testing program was presented at the 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering:

Fahnestock, L., Sause, R., Simpson, B., Ricles, J., Kurata, M., Okazaki, T., Kawamata, Y., Tao, Z., Duke, J., Rivera, D., Astudillo, B. and Qie, Y. “U.S.-Japan Collaboration for Shake Table Testing of a Frame-Spine System with Force-Limiting Connections,” Paper No. C004765, 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Sendai, Japan.