

Aradhana Agarwal
PhD candidate, Kinra Graduate Fellow
MS, Civil Engineering, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, 2017
BS, Civil Engineering, Bucknell University, 2015

Ricardo Dorado
PhD candidate, Ang Graduate Fellow (co-advisor: LaFave)
MS, Civil Engineering, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, 2022
BEng, Civil Engineering, Universidad Catolica Boliviana “San Pablo,” 2018

Limo Schissler
PhD candidate, Lewis Graduate Fellow (co-advisor: LaFave)
MS, Civil Engineering, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, 2024
BS, Civil Engineering, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, 2022

Shitao Shi
PhD candidate
MS, Civil Engineering, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, 2020
BS, Civil Engineering, Beijing Jiaotong University, 2019

Alec Spano
MS candidate, Karol Graduate Fellow (co-advisor: LaFave)
BS, Civil Engineering, North Carolina State University, 2023

Zhuoqi Tao
PhD candidate
MS, Civil Engineering, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, 2020
BS, Civil Engineering, Beijing Jiaotong University, 2019

Alumni and Former Visitors

Victoria Wigle, MS, 2008, now with DPR Construction
Blake Andrews, MS, 2008, now with Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates
Christopher Ariyaratana, MS, 2009, now with Arup
Seth Hoffman, MS, 2010, now with Peter Kiewit Sons’ Inc.
Matthew Parkolap, MS, 2010, now with Skidmore Owings & Merrill
Kapil Mathur, MS, 2011, now with Bain & Co.
David Miller, MS, 2011, now with Degenkolb
Evgueni Filipov, MS, 2012, now with University of Michigan
Martin White, MS, 2012, now with Tylk Gustafson Reckers Wilson Andrews, LLC
Jeffrey Meissner, MS, 2012, now with ARCO/Murray
Christopher Stoakes, PhD, 2012, now with University of Iowa
Prof. Gang Li, Visiting Scholar, 2011-2012, Dalian University of Technology
Robert Asselin, MS, 2013, now with HOK
Alvaro Quinonez, MS, 2013, now with Arup
Jessica Revell, MS, 2013, now with Olsson Associates
Joshua Steelman, PhD, 2013, now with University of Nebraska
Huayu (Michael) An, MS, 2013, now with Magnusson Klemencic Associates
Jeffrey Svatora, MS, 2013, now with HDR Engineering
Daniel Borello, PhD, 2014, now with James T. Borello & Co.
Eric Johnson, MS, 2014, now with LeMessurier
Shaoping Luo, MS, 2014, now with Skidmore Owings & Merrill
Joseph Riddle, MS, 2014, now with Engineering Systems Incorporated
Matthew Jarrett, MS, 2015, now with Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates
Jiajun He, MS, 2015, now with Saiful Bouquet
Beth Wright, MS, 2016, now with Yendall Hunter
Jie Luo, PhD, 2016, now with Rutherford + Chekene
Prof. Meng Wang, Visiting Scholar, 2015-2016, Beijing Jiaotong University
Joshua Sizemore, PhD, 2017, now with Degenkolb
Gabriela Brambila, MS, 2017, now with Burns & McDonnell
Santiago Zaruma, MS, 2017, now with ADSTREN
Prof. Ricardo Herrera, Visiting Scholar, 2017-2018, University of Chile
Derek Kozak, PhD, 2018, now with KPFF
Kelley Grabner, MS, 2018, now with KPFF
Marian Chee, MS, 2018, now with Howard I. Shapiro and Associates
Carlos Paez, MS, 2018
Himanshu Joshi, MS, 2019, now PhD student in MechSE
Thierry Beland, PhD (Polytechniqe Montreal), 2019, Visiting Researcher, 2015, now with WSP
Utkarsh Kode, MS, 2019, now with Horner & Shifrin
Sanjana Ahershinge, MS, 2022, now with Jacobs
Gaoyu Liu, PhD, 2023, now with Amazon
Siang Zhou, PhD, 2023, now with University of Texas Rio Grande Valley


Damaged Bridge Inspection at I-80 over IL-50 (November 2022): Sanjana Ahershinge, Ahmed Ibrahim, Larry Fahnestock, Lauren Schissler, Jim LaFave

Coffee at Bake Lab (July 2022): Jim LaFave, Sunny Zhou, Aradhana Agarwal, Ricardo Dorado, Larry Fahnestock, Shitao Shi

Girder Instrumentation at Regal Industrial Corporation (October 2020): Larry Fahnestock, Sunny Zhou, Gaoyu Liu, Aradhana Agarwal

Thanksgiving Dinner (November 2018): Sunny Zhou, Aradhana Agarwal, Gaoyu Liu, Utkarsh Kode, Larry Fahnestock

Approach Slab Static Truck Testing on I-390 Elgin O’Hare Western Access (September 2018): Sunny Zhou, Gaoyu Liu, Himanshu Joshi, Utkarsh Kode, Larry Fahnestock

Lunch at KoFusion (May 2018): Aradhana Agarwal, Himanshu Joshi, Kelley Grabner, Gaoyu Liu, Carlos Paez, Sunny Zhou, Jim LaFave, Setare Hajarolasvadi, Derek Kozak, Marian Chee, Larry Fahnestock

Lunch at Black Dog (July 2017): Santiago Zaruma, Aradhana Agarwal, Gaby Brambila, Jim LaFave, Larry Fahnestock, Derek Kozak, Marian Chee, Kelley Grabner, Gaoyu Liu

Approach Slab Field Instrumentation on I-390 Elgin O’Hare Western Access (June 2017): Aradhana Agarwal, Gaoyu Liu, Santiago Zaruma, Gaby Brambila, Marian Chee, Derek Kozak, Larry Fahnestock

Precast Approach Slab Instrumentation at Utility Concrete (April 2017): Gaby Brambila, Larry Fahnestock, Marian Chee, Derek Kozak, Gaoyu Liu

Lunch at Destihl (December 2016): Marian Chee, Kelley Grabner, Josh Sizemore, Derek Kozak, Larry Fahnestock, Aradhana Agarwal, Gaby Brambila, Santiago Zaruma

Coffee at Hammerhead (November 2016): Larry Fahnestock, Marian Chee, Gaby Brambila, Aradhana Agarwal, Santiago Zaruma, Derek Kozak, Kelley Grabner

Group Lunch at Silvercreek

Lunch at Silvercreek (August 2016): Kelley Grabner, Josh Sizemore, Derek Kozak, Larry Fahnestock, Jie Luo, Santiago Zaruma, Gaby Brambila, Aradhana Agarwal, Meng Wang