Revised Essay

Civility leads to Tranquility

Freedom of speech is a constitutional which is upheld in the student code. A student also has rights which many of us incoming students might not be aware of. The intent of the author is to inform the students of the rules and rights of students. From expressing our opinion to religious believes and practice we the students have a voice. No student voice is greater than the other, also there is no discrimination of the students.

While reading the code of conduct it reminds me of the civil rights movement, and the current topic of freedom, and police shootings. Without the hard work and passion of our great historians civility today will not be the same. Also during the present time and day the main topic is officers breaking the freedoms our ancestors has fought so hard for. With the death of so many citizens in the past year the topic of freedom has come up multiple times. Can we truly practice our freedom or has it become to lethal to express? Have we forgotten what it feels like to be free, are we constantly going to live in fear of the authorities? Is what we call freedom just a false sense of hope? I don’t think so we are a nation built around democracy and we will be heard at the end of the day.

Saying “Hello” is almost as old as the English language.  Saying hello in my current lifestyle has been adapted from just a greeting to being a manner to which you are being polite. The word is used to acknowledge the person and can be but not required to invite conversation.         This greeting has been installed into cultures and has become customary to welcome someone’s presence.

In the short passage the author says that he had been swiftly informed by his mother of the being impolite by not saying “Hello”. I also had the same response from my parents from not saying “Hello” to anyone they knew or anyone I came in contact with. I believe it was another way to promote being social along with manners. With this simple but big lesson almost most of my conversations start with some form of greeting if now using the word “Hello”.

Being civil and sociable is an important tool to use when going through life. No one person can go through life alone. Being social and getting to know people and making connections will get you a lot farther in life. Majority of the time while you’re making connections and creating a bond it was through a greeting of some sort if it was not the use of the word “Hello”.

My connection with the author of this essay is so surreal. The feeling of saying hello has a calming, and enlightening effect on most. I also feel that it says something about myself and my character or who raised me when I was brought up. Something just as simple as greeting someone can turn being recognized to creating a lifelong bond between people. That is a part of life that no one can take away from you, and it can never be purchased. Being social is in