Club Drugs

Club drugs are taking the lives of young adults who enjoy partying, music festivals, and letting loose by storm. For some people there is no better feeling than heading out with friends to enjoy live music and the pleasurable effects of drugs like molly, MDMA, marijuana, and cocaine. In most cases, club drugs are used for the stimulant side effect that tends to keep people awake for a long time. It may also cause hallucinogenic effects forpeople to enjoy the concert or the party more intensely. Since most club drugs tend to be used with heavy drinking, one night out can quickly turn into a dangerous activity that puts one’s life at risk.  Since music festival is right around the corner, it’s crucial to know how to keep yourself safe and what drugs you should be staying away from.  Let’s look at the ways club drugs are being used and how it can lead to addiction or even overdose over time.

Club drugs are popular in concerts.

Club Drugs Effects And Addiction

Club drugs are highly addictive like any other kind of illegal drug. Many people will grow a dependency on club drugs as they might feel like taking them is the only way to have a good time. One night of extreme euphoria from molly or MDMA will lead to several more experiences sought out by the same person. Molly drug side effects cause a greater release of serotonin in our brain. Serotonin is a type of neurotransmitter that plays an important role in the regulating our overall mood, sleep, pain, appetite, and other behaviors. This is why many music festival goers take molly to feel a rush of pleasure and joy. What many people don’t’ realize is that taking MDMA seriously depletes the standard amount of serotonin in the brain over a long period of time. This leads to high irritability, poor memory abilities, feelings of depression, fatigue throughout the day, high anxiety, impaired motor skills, and troubles sleeping as well. In order to combat these disturbing symptoms, a person will be even more inclined to take MDMA again so they feel “normal” again. And the cycle begins.

Other hallucinogenic club drugs can include LSD and ‘magic’ mushrooms. They play heavily into our sensory perceptions and often lead to the crazy “trips” that you often hear people in college raving about. The drug works by simply altering the way our environment is sent and received by the brain. Most people take the drugs by eating stamps, ingesting it in pill form, or cooking it into edibles. Combined with alcohol, all of these drugs pose a huge threat to our bodies and leads to hangovers, black outs, and worse conditions. The dreaded hangover is full of nausea, headaches, sore muscles, and severe dehydration. For most people who mix hardcore drugs and alcohol, a hangover is likely the best condition to wake up in since it means that their body somehow processed all the chemicals it was fed from the night before. But what about the long term effects? The long term effects of continued alcohol consumption with drugs include alcohol poisoning, nerve damage, lowered memory function and liver diseases as well. You may also wake up to doing things you may regret for a long time. Drunk driving, domestic violence, and unwanted contact with people are all activities that tend to link with being heavily under the influence. You definitely don’t want to find yourself stuck dealing with any of them.

The Road To Addiction

Even though many people start using club drugs once in a blue moon, it doesn’t take long before they form a serious problem with addiction. People tend to forget that their bodies are not infinite and invincible against all outside forces. No matter what background, age, or gender you are your body is vulnerable to building an addiction to the strong chemicals in club drugs that bind to “pleasure” receptors in our brain. We can start to justify our behavior over time and lose track of how the drugs are taking a toll on our body. Over time, people fail to draw the line of when things get too far and could suffer from an overdose because they simply took too much.  For people who are addicted to MDMA, they may suffer from a risk of kidney damage from using the drug too often, dental issues from grinding issues on their teeth, and losing out on cognitive abilities. Some users take even several months to recover mentally from a trip due to loss of concentration done from the unusually high production of serotonin in their minds.

Get help for club drug addiction.

Getting Help

There’s much more to life than taking club drugs and suffering from the long term consequences. We only have so much time on Earth and we want to make sure we can live every day to the fullest. If you feel that you’re suffering from club drug side effects or know a friend who is, don’t hesitate to reach out for help. The sooner you take action the better chances you will have to recover your body and mind. Look up what treatment centers specialize in rehab for MDMA addictions and other related issues. You’re not the only one who is going through your situation and may find solace in a support group with others trying to overcome an addiction. Once you enroll in a program, ask your family and friends for support. If your friends are the ones condoning drug use, it may be time to make new connections with people who believe in other activities. It doesn’t hurt to let go and move in if you’re making the best choices for your body in the long run!


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