Category Archives: Social Media Marketing

Buying Commercial Real Estate

Unlike playing games with the stock market or gambling away thousands of dollars at the casino, real estate investments promises years of long term financial wealth. Yet, as impressive as it is to be an investor, many people aren’t aware of the various benefits that comes with finding growth in real estate.  The key trait of commercial real estate includes simplicity and stability for an investor that can help outweigh any short term problem that may come their way. Think of owning land as being in charge of a long term asset that is safe if managed right. You can unlock the key of passive income growth and benefiting your community if you consistently make strategic decisions.

Before jump into purchasing a piece of commercial land, understanding what your ultimate goal is for owning the land is crucial. Regardless of where you live, the process of acquiring a property is drawn out and can be tiring at many times. Some people want widely different things when it comes to property development. In fact, investors can have drastically different approaches to even buying the land and having the situation in their favor. Let’s go over the different ways investors typically acquire land so you can judge which method is the most appropriate for you.

Make the most of your commercial real estate investments.

Buying For Property Development

It’s critical to know what the key methods are for buying your dream commercial real estate investment now and in the future. Smart real estate investors will want to know all they can in these matters as a lot of their precious time, hard earned money, and hefty pieces of regulation are involved when buying any piece of land. Some strategies to consider when buying a property include:

  • Buying and selling: This is the method that you might be the most familiar with as it’s called “flipping” the property by investors. The process is simple as you purchase a property below the alleged market value, renovate what you need on the interior or exterior, and find a find a buyer who is willing to pay you for the property above said market value. Commercial real estate investors in this case are always hoping to have a quick sale and a fast return of profits on their work. However, the risk always lies in finding a buyer who is willing to work in your favor. Failed attempts at flipping properties often end up in vacancy and thousands of dollars lost to mortgages to finance it. Be sure about your pricing and don’t take any giant risks in overvaluing your property.
  • Buying and holding: In this approach, a commercial real estate investor will buy the land and hold onto it for a certain period of time. This may work in their favor if they believe that the piece of land will consistently appreciate in value. However, during this process the investor will still have to manage the property, pall all the taxes tied to it, and pay any other operational costs. Overall, the main goal of the investor is to purchase the land with the hope that they can pass it off to a developer in a few years when the area starts to improve.
  • Buying and going through the entitlement process.During this process, an investor will buy a property then complete the process of having it zoned for their goal use. Maybe a certain piece of land is meant for commercial sale, while another is for residential usage. It’s required to check what the zone restrictions are for the property before making any big decisions here. An investor will only be able to make a plot of land more valuable to potential developers if they can get it rezoned.
  • Buying, developing, then renting out. If a real estate investor wants to develop their land initially after purchase so they can increase its market value, they will typically hold off from finding any possible renters. For example, maybe you want to add a larger parking lot to a strip mall property or refinish the exterior of store fronts so it increases its wholesale value. Then, being more attracted to these renovations, a business owner may ask you to rent a portion of the propertyand in turn provide you an elevated level of profit you’re looking for.

Be Risk Averse With Property Development 

It takes real grit, dedication, and lots of resources to be a successful commercial real estate investor. It also takes the right information and decisions to prevent major mishaps from preventing full profit potential from a commercial real estate investment. Once you get into the process of looking at a potential property, you may discover that there are many government restrictions or renovation related challenges linked to developing it thoroughly. You could also run the risk of dealing with natural disasters or peaks like ground degradation or flooding. You may even realize that the tax rates are far too area because of the location compared to what the actual value of the property. On average, larger and more metropolitan cities bring sky high tax rates compared to more rural counties. Some states may also vary drastically with their home ownership association fees and property tax fees as well.

As a result, be as risk averse as you can and learn about all the traits that a good property investment includes. You may learn that your former beliefs about commercial real estate investing were either slightly flawed or totally inaccurate. You’ll sleep better at night after knowing the best strategies to buy your real estate investment depending on your time frame and financial situation, to develop it to increase its market value, and to market it well enough to attract an affluent and long term customer.

Understand the ins and outs of commercial real estate to be successful.




Using Internet Marketing

Marketing is an ever changing field of business that professionals are still spending a lifetime to truly grasp. Ever since the need to sell a product or service existed, so has the idea of using effective marketing.

From the traditional yellow book ads to the fifteen second long Snapchat ads that dash over our mobile screens today, it’s safe to say that marketing has evolved faster in the past ten years than ever before.

At one time in history, using cutting edge technology was limited to just a small fraction of the population. Now, with technology advancing quickly and customers becoming more picky with what media they allow to be interrupted by, it’s incredibly important for marketers to use tactics that will provide the most bang for their buck.

Let’s look at which methods are making waves through the cluttered media scene and what are leaving old fashioned brands behind in the dust.

Internet marketing is essential for today's business market.
Internet marketing is essential for today’s business market.

Marketing Back In The Day

Let’s go back a decade in time and revisit the marketing environment that grabbed the attention of customers. The year is 2008, the stock market just crashed, the Lehman Brothers just caused a worldwide recession, and iPhones are still a considered a prized possession for the richest to enjoy.

What type of marketing do you think was convincing enough for businesses to pull customers out of the trenches? The answer was outbound marketing, a method thatis very interruptive and pushes out a brand’s message to a mass audience. This was never dependent on whether or not the audience wanted to actually hear it. The types of vehicles that are included in outbound marketing are the cliche television and radio ads you’ve heard as a kid, traditional telemarketing, pop up banner and display ads, roadside billboards, cut out newspaper ads, or door to door cold calling.

Back in the 2000’s, these methods worked like a charm since our phones were not as advanced as they are today. People were still walking outside and actually looking at what ads or posters were mounted up in their surroundings. We had cable lines attached to walls that rang with questions from salesmen, we still treasured the Sunday newspaper, and our living room television was our best friend.

I remember waking up early on Saturday as a kid was the best time to catch great TV cartoons and funny commercials. Today, premium Hulu is available for even a five year old to skip ads and watch shows on via iPad.

 Introducing the Internet

Although the Internet has been around for much longer than ten years, the advances that it has allowed for technology has been unprecedented. With the rise of Facebook videos, Instagram ads, Snapchat news, the online blogging scene, and online or on demand television via Netflix, there is less and less space for physical ads to catch the eye of shopping consumers.

Just think about it. When was the last time you were in a grocery store and looked at your paper catalog for the best box of cookies to buy? Most likely you pulled out your phone, entered “what is the best tasting cookie brand” on Google through the Safari app, and read customer reviews instead.

To keep up, most brands are using internet marketing, or “inbound marketing” to behave as a hub to attract these technology adapted consumers.Instead of spreading a generic message to thousands of people, it’s been found more effective to pull in potential customers with interesting content that provides them valuable information.

As a result, using inbound marketing involves writing exciting blog posts, posting engaging videos and pictures on social media, sending out encouraging email newsletters, and other content to people who are already interested in your product.

Another popular method that falls under inbound marketing is using search engine optimization to boost the visits to a website through seamless software design, keyword placement, and professional content.

In a nutshell, if you are providing information that is engaging enough and calls for action, customers are more likely to interact with it, share it with their network online, and build a positive impression of your brand that influences purchasing decisions in the long run. Placing the relationship with customers at the forefront is the key to keeping your business at the top of their list.

Value your customers through inbound marketing.

Successful Inbound Campaigns

It’s definitely confusing to think about how inbound marketing works without a solid example to go off from. In the past few years, social media marketing has boosted the idea of inbound marketing to new levels as it has the power to make or break up and coming brands.

As a fitness nerd, I’ve been closely following the growth of the activewear brand Gymshark over the past few years. Compared to powerhouse brands like Nike or Adidas, their brand has a full grasp of using calls to action for its customers and building a genuine relationship with its followers through social media influencers.

Instead of airing commercials to millions of people who may or may not be interested in fitness, Gymshark has used the power of popular content creators and organically promoted coupon codes to promote its clothes. As a result, any customer can visit its fitness blogs, official website, or Instagram accounts and see how it’s spearheading a positive moment involving millions of people to get active in the gym.

Another great example of inbound marketing is by looking at the efforts of one of my entrepreneurs, Gary Vaynerchuk. As a social media guruand overall marketing genius, he constantly is pushing out free content to his followers with free ebooks, marketing based podcasts, and Youtube videos for people interested in the idea of marketing itself to consume.

From there, he asks for email addresses and Youtube subscriptions in return which eventually lead to people buying his books and other online products. With the leverage of acting as a genuine resource to his network, people are constantly sharing his content and allowed him to catapult to extreme fame in the past few years.

Be Your Own Consultant

You don’t have to have a PhD in marketing or have millions of dollars to design an effective marketing campaign for your business. The point is that you can use inbound marketing and outbound marketing wisely to push your brand’s messages with different media platforms. The smart thing to do is to take time to double down on what your customer niche is and where they are consuming content every day.

After doing that research, choose what aspects of outbound marketing you can invest a bit in. Then, look at what inbound strategies will give you the most cost effective results and reach your desired customers directly. The power isleveraging traditional marketingtechniques with the internet and social media to achieve amazing growth!



Black Hat SEO and Buying Followers

In the social media world today, having a large user following and engagement is what makes or breaks the success of an account. Popular influencers and businesses across several industries are partnering up to create niche products, campaigns, and advertising videos to elevate both players. Several retail brands and Internet personalities have found success within the past few years by tapping into this method like Saboskirt, Gymshark, Puma, and Pacsun to name a few. This is due in part by brands being willing to pay or sponsor highly popular “faces” to the world to share their products with their loyal community of social media users. Creating awareness with big celebrities like Kylie and Kendall Jenner, models like Gigi Hadid, musicians like Kanye West, and fitness gurus like Nikki Blackletter has drastically improved their marketing effectiveness. From having special collaboration lines to seasonal promotions, each brand is now extremely recognizable across Instagram and are growing exponentially.

While this digital marketing plan is ingenuous for growing organically, some businesses take the alternative route to find the short cut of gaining views, likes, and followers to seem more promoted on the app. To seek short cuts, some social media managers have been using “black-hat SEO” tactics, or online ways to boost their accounts without doing the work. This consists of purchasing fake engagement from mostly idle accounts to look more popular on the surface level in the platform. To take a stand against this tactic, Instagram is taking drastic measures on their software to temporarily and permanently block users who do this, so be sure to do your job as a marketer to avoid it.

How Does Buying Followers Work?

Several black hat SEO services exist on the web and the app store to allow someone to increase their likes, views, and followers on Instagram. These can be referred to as “bots” ask for a specific payment in advance to gain hundreds to tens of thousands of followers at a single time. They also repeatedly follow and unfollow the same accounts in hopes of getting the reciprocated follow in return. While it sounds effective in the short term, doing this repeatedly throughout time is against terms of service of Instagram and can cause turmoil with organic followers on your account. Another major way to get a large following is to connect to zombie social media accounts by paying a third party business to get 10, 100, or even as much as 10,000 likes on a single picture post. These zombie accounts are usually inactive, have very few followers, and contain either zero personal posts or solely spam content. A few Instagram influencers, Hollywood celebrities, and musicians out there have been caught with this tactic and have struggled with covering up the negative headlines it caused.

The Black Hat Impact

The reality with black hat SEO is that many social media users don’t realize that they are tarnishing their online reputation for the future. A more effective and realistic way to assess if your Instagram marketing campaign is actually working is by measuring the amount of people you’re engaging with, the amount of site visits and sales conversions trailed from your posts and the growth in organic comments you receive. By simply buying thousands of fake followers from an app, you will inevitably cause a growing number of uninterested customers, spread a highly negative and unprofessional name for your business, and anger your competitors and followers who are being more mindful to post only genuine content for true growth. Though online, the reality of social media still places honesty on a pedestal, and your integrity can take a hit as your real followers discover the scam like methods being used for your marketing.

Genuine Growth and Engagement

If you rather decide to grow your following on social media in an honest manner, avoid using black hat bots and applications. Instead of aiming to cheat the digital marketing system, wasting your time and energy, and ultimately risking your own online image, switch to aiming for active engagement with other businesses and perhaps gaining advice from a marketing consultant. Experts knowledgeable in social media can listen to your business aspirations and forma step by step plan to boost your engagement across your various social media platforms. Don’t wait to achieve a higher level of digital marketing and reap the rewards.


Some Rules Of Search Engine Optimization

Why is Search Engine Optimization Important?

When it comes to the online world, there are many key concepts that make the difference between having a highly visible web page and one that people rarely visit. Achieving a high ranking on Google search results will prove to be worthwhile when it comes to website views; in fact Google accounts for 90% of all searches ran through a search engine. With this, 60% of website clicks comes from the first five hits on the first page, and only 3.7% comes from the next five, thus having a highly ranked page is vital to breaking into and keeping your place in a certain marketplace. Search engines decide webpage rankings based on an internal algorithm, and Google uses about thirty-five different aspects of a webpage to calculate what it should be ranked when related keywords are typed into the search engine. This means search engine optimization, or SEO for short (the process of creating and altering a web page to best suit these algorithms) is almost necessary if you want to maximize views to your site.

Man working with modern devices

On-page versus Off-page Optimization


When Google runs its internal algorithm, it takes into account what is on your site, and compares it to similar sites. This initially is a strange concept to grasp; the fact that your web page rating can be influenced by factors that you have no control over. This is called off-page and it is related to your site’s domain authority. Put in simple terms, the amount of times your webpages are linked to by other trusted sites will increase your domain authority and improve your ranking. When you think about it, it makes sense: if you have a lot of good information, then other sites will definitely want to draw from your web page and give their audience a way to easily access your site. Hence, Google will reward you if other sites have links to your webpage as it shows you have relevant information pertaining to your field and therefore warrants a high ranking.

If you are struggling with this concept but want to improve your off-page ranking on your own, this can be a daunting task as it’s tough to know where to start. Using a full service digital marketing company could be a worthwhile investment for you as they can specifically target your off-page ranking and help you improve it. Eminent SEO has a very professional approach to search engine optimization and can substantially improve your ranking. With great knowledge of the internal algorithms, Eminent SEO is able to pinpoint certain aspects of a webpage and get the results you need.  

Snail on a laptop


When it comes to your site’s on-page SEO, this is pretty self-explanatory. This means the algorithm takes into account what is on your webpage in order to administer a web result ranking for it based on the keywords searched in relation to what your site is about. Even though it’s an easy concept to understand, it can still be difficult to build your website to suit these algorithms. So what does it factor in? Great question: there are many important aspects of your web page that will eventually be used to calculate your ranking. One of the most important ones that can drastically decrease your ranking is having broken links on your webpage. If Google finds a link that takes you to a site that has either moved or been taken down, your ranking will automatically go down. This can be solved easily with the right tools. Eminent SEO has a free link extractor tool which will scan your webpage for any broken links and bring them to your attention right away. It’s a simple tool to use and can save your skin when it comes to search engine optimization.

Hope this information helped anyone who was looking to understand a little more about how search engines decided what results were most suited to your search query!