Dual Diagnosis Programs

Have you ever wondered about how many people struggle with drug addiction or mental illness each year? How about both? Out of all the people I know, there’s at least a handful that I know who are having difficulty with one of those disorders and are seeking help as quick as possible.

Within the United States, the drug and mental illness epidemic is growing at an alarming rate. One of the most mentioned drugs in the news lately has been opioids, as thousands of drug overdose deaths are happening to people just like you. Driven mainly by addiction to prescription opioids and heroin, drug overdoses reportedly claimed around 64,000 lives within the year of 2016 alone. If you know your history, that’s more lives taken than the entire duration of the Vietnam War. If we look at America on the macro lense, around 27 million of all American adults are considered drug users. Out of that group, at least 8,000 people are trying drugs for the first time each day on average!

It’s no secret that spreading word about the dangers of drugs like opioids and its link to mental illness is crucial to help others. They might not speak about it, but many people who experience addiction are either having serious mental issues as a result or are using hard drugs to numb their emotions instead. Before you take the next dose to conquer the pain of your reality, please remember that you’re not alone. Your circumstances don’t define you and there’s always room to stop what you’re doing if you can take the following steps to make change.

Drug and alcohol self medication is rampant today.

Get Honest

I know that facing the facts aren’t fun, but the sooner you realize your situation, the better your recovery process will be. It’s not easy to suddenly drop whatever drug you’ve been taking to cope with life’s events. When there’s feelings of depression, anxiety, or paranoia in the mix, stopping yourself from self-medicating is especially difficult as it helps you forget about the controlling emotions. In other words, you might be using substances like drugs or alcohol to mask symptoms of a mental health issue you can’t get over. Stimulant drugs like cocaine, methamphetamine, or Adderall are often used to combat feelings of depression and increase focus or energy levels that are lacking. On the other hand, maybe you’re using Xanax or prescription sleep aids like Lunesta to elevate your mood, escape reality, or to feel sociable again around other people. No matter what drug you’re using, the high it offers is short-lived and will only serve to make matters worse over the months. From oncoming health problems, weakened relationships, and to decreased discipline, you won’t live a sustainable lifestyle while using drugs as a crutch to function.

Stress Is Real

Are you stressed? Often a person can turn to using drugs after they feel stressed enough from an event, sight, smell, or even a person that triggers their feelings. You could have had a fight with your boss, suffered a divorce, got involved in accident, a bad grade on a test, lost your pet, or experienced anything that often leads to increased stress. To a person who is in such a vulnerable state, drugs can look like the knight in shining armor to save them from feeling like they’re in the pits of hell. It’s attractive, works quickly, and provides that insanely joyful moment some just can’t get enough of. Yet, paired with an already stressed out mind and body, people can experience dangerous spikes in their adrenaline and neurotransmitters. Over time, they’re likely to build up a tolerance which warrants doses that seem to grow larger by the week.

You Can Find Help

You can get the help you need if you’re willing to take action. Lots of people aspire to make a change, but it’s only the doers in our world who actually get the results they want. You’ll need discipline, time, and energy to turn to positive outlets instead of drugs. The journey will be tough, and you may feel that all the effort isn’t worth the blood and tears. Yet, after staying consistent and sticking to your goals to become an improved human being, the strength and health you’ll be left with will be so much more worth it. As a former drinker, I can speak from experience that it took months of tough commitment to staying sober and using exercise as an outlet for my stress and depression to improve my lifestyle. However, I feel so much better now about not only myself, but my relationships, work ethic, and the direction my career is going now.

Make Your Own Treatment

The first step to gaining help and recovering is finding an integrated treatment plan that can help you understand your triggers and form a plan to manage them. You can also look to support groups either online or in your area to communicate with other people going through the same experiences. If your experiencing a mental illness and addiction, seeking a dual diagnosis treatment center will also help you address both problems simultaneously. Many treatment centers offer highly customizable programs for patients to add to their already hectic lifestyle. They also offer services like individual counseling, meditation, or yoga, but it all comes down to what each person enjoys. You’ll benefit from their input, build lifelong relationships, and gain a sense of accountability to not turn back to your old ways. With a revitalized diet full of healthy foods, plenty of water, and staying active everyday, your body will feel naturally much more energetic. The world is at your hands to explore and you’re strong enough conquer it!

You can treat dual disorders with discipline and staying active.





Anxiety Symptoms In Men

Do your negative thoughts regularly race across your mind? Do you feel hopeless and anxious for no reason at times? If you can say yes to either, you’re definitely not alone. All of us stress out from time to time because life just isn’t as easy as the movies make it. To make things worse, certain situations will inevitably affect our level of anxiety well beyond our control. It could be from failing a test, a deadline coming up too quick, or your family member falling deathly sick. Either way, the experience isn’t a fun one for someone who is easily swayed by their feelings. If you want to regain control of your anxiety, there’s a variety of tips out there to not allow it to take over your life. Anxiety especially can bring on feelings of shame and guilt, but those emotions don’t have to remain permanent if you aim to be proactive.

  1. Avoid the shame. It’s true that if you’re male you’ve likely to have been raised to control your emotions, as anxiety is perceived as a sign of weakness. Many men with anxiety can easily beat themselves into thinking that they’re dangerously vulnerable and failing in life. This feeling in turn can completely prevent them from reaching out for help. With time, their sense of anxiety can get more severe if no intervention is taken.
  2. Don’t turn to addictive outlets. It’s estimated that around 30% of men with anxiety are tempted to turn to substances as a way to cope with their symptoms. As most men are naturally more impulsive than women, they can have a higher tolerance on drugs or alcohol to deal with their emotions. In comparison, women are usually seen turning to their friends to vent their frustrations than initially seeking strong drinks or drugs. Building a tolerance to higher levels of an addictive substance will only damage your mental and physical state over time.
  3. Reach out. It’s not unusual to feel hopeless, depression, or stressed when you can’t control your feelings of anxiety as a man.
    The best thing to do is to talk to a friend, family member, or spouse that you trust completely and voice your concerns. They will likely be concerned about your health and can encourage you to seek a doctor when you’re ready. You don’t need to commit to any treatment methods they advise just yet, but gaining more insight into your situation doesn’t hurt at all.
  4. Get more sleep. A lot of people find that their stress and anxiety levels greatly reduce when they get enough rest at night. Our bodies need ample time to recover and repair before starting a new day. Without it, our emotions can take a toll and we feel much more frazzled when things don’t go our way. Make sure you can schedule it well into your night and treat it as a top priority for your long term health. Some tips for sleeping better throughout the night is to eliminate any distractions nearby. Make sure your environment is clean, cool in temperature, and your phone is on “don’t disturb” mode to avoid annoying buzzing that could wake you up during the early morning. Another method for great sleep is to use essential oils in your room, be it chamomile or lavender that can signal your body to feel more relaxed and at ease.
  5. Move your body. Exercise at least for half an hour every day to get your body sweating and your blood pumping through your veins. Exercise encourages the release of serotonin that helps you feel extremely happy and satisfied as you complete a challenging workout. This doesn’t have to be time consuming as making small changes throughout the day instead of sitting or driving is good enough if you’re busy. Start walking to your destination more often, take the stairs, and even explore all the different desk exercises that are out there to start burning those extra calories. What helped me personally was to set small goals throughout the day and aim for consistency rather than doing things exactly perfect. For example, walking every day for at least thirty minutes is better than waiting all week to bust out a ten mile run. Frequency is everything when you’re trying to get your body and mind into better shape than before.
  6. Get involved. Starting a new project or even volunteering is a great way to become more active in your community. Doing so will help you create a strong support network and feel great about helping others who aren’t as fortunate. In my community, a lot of volunteers visit the local animal shelter, food pantry, or children’s after school programs to spend time with people and give back. They love the experience of being able to make another person’s day and that’s a memory that stays for life.

Final Thoughts

Overall, make sure you explore your options to deal with your anxiety and stress. The feeling doesn’t have to be there forever as you are the person in control of who you want to be in the future. My best advice to you is to start with being honest with yourself and think back to when your problems first began. Did you make any changes in your schedule, start to hang out with anyone new, or made any changes within your diet? You might find that certain changes in those areas could have sparked a pattern that negatively affected your life. Learn to also identify what triggers your anxiety, be it work, family, or school. Write your thoughts down in a journal or even text it to yourself when you’re feeling anxious. The change starts with you, so don’t hesitate!





Mind Your Mindfulness

Mind Your Mindfulness

What is mindfulness? When I first heard about practicing it, I felt like I was learning about the next popular buzzword like “selfie” or “swag” that was encouraging to say but had no real meaning otherwise. After digging a little deeper into learning about what it meant, I learned that there’s actually a wide variety of mindfulness exercises out there that bring huge benefits to the mind. From taking a quick breather to focusing on the outer world, it really only takes a few minutes during the day to practice it. You definitely don’t need a guided therapist, a complicated textbook, or a day-long seminar to learn exactly how to get its positive effects. Let’s break down the best and easiest ways that I’ve found to decrease my inner stress and do mindfulness exercises for anxiety.

  1. The first and easiest way I’ve found to practice mindfulness exercise is by starting with your breathing. Yes, it’s that simple. One thing you can do is by breathing in and out slowly when you wake up in the morning. Deeply inhale and exhale, allowing a full breath cycle to last from five to ten seconds. A good way to make this work is by breathing slowly through your nose and out with your mouth, releasing all the stress away as you do. Repeat this process for five to ten times, depending on how much time you want to spare. During this experience, let go of your thoughts and worries and focus on nothing but how your body is feeling. You’ll feel a much stronger awareness of your current emotions and calm your mind down from any stress built up from before.
  2. Label your thoughts. Think of it as categorizing your emotions throughout the day, placing a label on them in folder, and storing them in a box in your mind. This simple exercise is designed to help you cultivate a heightened sense of awareness and appreciate being alive in the moment. For example, each time you start to think a negative thought during the day, take a short moment to stop, recognize that the words running through your mind are changing, and label them as damaging. After doing so, imagine that you’re placing these dark thoughts in a box and locking it really tight so they don’t affect the rest of your body. This process sounds like a hoax, but I promise that visualizing it all really helps bring a sense of peace when you’re going through hours of the most stress.
  3. Music therapy can play a huge impact on influencing our mood for the better, which brings me to the third best way to practice mindfulness. Through music, we can process our thoughts and use honesty in recovery from any negative events that occur in our daily life. The next time that you feel extremely negative, turn on a relaxing track that has slower beats. And since much of what we feel listening to music can be influenced from a past event, like being reminded of a breakup, aim to listen to a new song you haven’t heard before from a neutral perspective.  Ignore any labels that you may have from the artist or producer and allow yourself to get lost in the journey of track for however long it lasts. Opening your mind to its dynamic melody and rhythm ultimately trains your mind to become less swayed and influenced from any new outside forces that come your way.
  4. The next best method to practice mindfulness meditation for anxiety is taking the time each day to list what you’re grateful for in life. This could take no longer than five minutes to be reflective of all the blessings that are present in your environment. The point of this exercise is to practice giving more thanks and appreciate the seemingly less important things in life. These people, events, or opportunities are the vehicles that support our life but often fade into the background of our minds. Giving them attention helps spark our inner fire to work toward bigger and better things to come. For starters, think of five things every day that you’re thankful but don’t always focus on. Once you have identified all those things, try to make it your priority to find out everything you can about how they support your purpose and work towards appreciating them even more than before. Gratitude brings happiness above all else as it helps you feel more encouraged and support to take on your day.
  5. Cleaning your space can be another great space for meditation. To bring more mindfulness into your life with cleaning, be sure to first think of it as a positive event rather than a boring chore. Then, select a space in your home that you want to focus on and think of only the benefits that making it neater, prettier, and less clogged will bring.  Concentrate on the broom in your hands as you sweep the floor or the squeaks that the glass cleaner makes when you wipe the windows. Feeling engulfed in the experience can help clear your mind and appreciate the hidden beauty your environment has once all the clutter and noise is cleared. The same thing goes for your mind, taking time to clear it and think about its foundation is essential to bring heightened spiritual in recovery from negativity.

Just Do It

I highly encourage you to just try one of these tips to start practicing mindfulness in your life. Start with something small and practice it over and over again until you feel comfortable to try another method. You’ll find that your concentration is much better than before, I know I did when I began trying yoga and meditation myself. Knowing about your personal habits and exactly how to improve them is essential to getting on the road to less stress and anxiety!

Veterinary Compounding Pharmacy

We all want what’s ultimately the best for our pets and companion animals. This can come in the form of buying all natural food, granting them the coziest bed, and even the seasonal sweater to keep them warm once the temperature drops low. What most people don’t know is thatpet medications can also be tailored too so your pet feels less discomfort than normal. Customizing your pet’s medicine is another way pet owners can go the extra mile for their furry companion.

A popular alternative to consuming traditional prescriptions is seeking a compounding pharmacy that’s licensed in your local state. These agencies help many dog, cat and other eager animal owners who are seeking help for custom alterations to their pet’s medication. The process is pretty simple if you find an experienced professional who can understand the problems your pet may have with a certain drug. Just like people, every animal is different and so is their physical tolerance to certain strong substances.  Breaking down the basics of how compounding pharmacies exactly work will guide you as a pet owner to make the best choice for your furry friend.

Make sure you explore compounding pharmacies for your pet.

Safety First

Before even considering compounding your pet’s medicine, make sure you are seeing actually licensed professionals in your state. Checking out the source of your pet’s medication is as important as the drug itself for you and your pet’s safety. Look for what’s local and what is most cost effective for your budget. It’ll be a total headache to not fact check your health care provider and proofread their policies before handing them the outcome of the health of your loved one. You can check any pharmacy’s legitimacy by visiting the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy website and check what businesses are reputable. Just like buying a product or service, look at their reviews and affiliates. If you have more than one pet that happens to have the same symptoms, make sure that they see vets who will not mix the same prescribed medicine for the both of them. This is a huge mistake and leads to potential health threats for your animal. Using one pet’s compounded medication for another could seriously harm their health, an outcome you definitely want to avoid!

Once your chosen veterinarian does recommend a certain prescription medication, don’t be shy about discussing your financial concerns and if any other substitutes are available. It’s better to be safe than sorry if you happen to rack up a huge bill that’s not covered by insurance or otherwise hard to open your wallet for.

Other popular pet medications, especially ones meant to treat symptoms for infections in most mammals may also not immediately call for a written prescription for use. However, you should still go to talk about all the ways to treat your pet with your vet before settling on a particular brand that is the most mainstream. As you balance your options between different pet medications, think about other helpful factors like the degree of ease in obtaining the medication, how it needs to be taken, and the time you will be spending to wait for it to arrive. Think of literally all the factors that will go into the comfort of using the product before you commit to giving it to your pet for a long period of time.

Compounding Concoctions

There’s no sketchy labs, witchcraft, or kitchen mixing when it comes to compounding your pet’s needed medication. The roots of the process trace back to the very reason why humans sometimes change the form of their medications too. Animals easily experience the same side effects from a drug like nausea, itchy skin, watery eyes, delusion, or drowsiness when they start taking high doses of a new drug. Acclimating to taking one, especially if it’s in a hard to chew tablet ,is definitely hard to stomach if you’re a dog or cat bred on the finest of food. Compounding veterinary pharmarcies relieve this issue by customizing the medication to each pet’s exact physical needs.

Compounding medicine changes a drug’s form by manipulating of any type of substance or chemical that extends beyond what is described on the drug bottle itself. As any owner knows from their pet’s barking and running around wild, treating animals with pills can be extremely difficult. They often are laced with odd odors and taste worse to your pet in most cases. Using the process of compounding, an owner can mix their pet’s drug with another easily digestible substance, making it much more appealing to consume. This allows each does to become less strong, better flavored, or even liquefied completed so it goes down quick.

Before compounding your pet’s drug, make sure to gain the permission of your chosen vet after making an appointment. Since every patient’s needs and tolerance levels are different, you’ll want their consultancy on what is the best method to take based off of your personal situation and timeline. If a pet is experiencing extreme pain for example, they’ll want to take a look at the dosage and potentially rapid release so the drug can work quicker than usual. After considering those important factors, experienced vets develop the solution on a case by case basis that is influenced by the severity of the pet’s problem. For example, if a cat or dog needs something that is only comes as a tablet, the owner can seek a veterinary compounding pharmacy to have the drug compounded into a flavored juice that is probably way tastier to take instead. There’s a myriad of opportunities when you reach for resources to fix your pet’s problem!

Protect Your Furry Friend

With today’s digital pharmaceutical services, finding the right type of medication and dosage for your pet is much easier and convenient than a couple years ago. If you’re not feeling like committing to a full-fledged prescription and don’t even know for sure if it’ll suit your pet, listen to what your vet has to say. Usually, they will know best about what direction to point your pet in, whether they need compounded medication or not. Ultimately you want the best for them, so helping them feel better is done by lowering their discomfort when taking medication each day. With the help of compounding and some extra planning, you’ll find an amazing solution for your pal!

Give your pet the medical options it deserves!