Leadership Center Undergraduate Professional Development Opportunities

I am reaching out with 2 professional development opportunities that will be provided by the Illinois Leadership Center this February, that we would love for you to share with your students…

Innovation- February 3, 10 am – 3:15 pm

Our Innovation i-Program, taking place on February 3rd , helps students understand how to efficiently work in team settings, refine their own problem-solving skills, understand how their own problem-solving skills may differ from others, and how to appreciate diversity of thinking. Students will be able to use these skills to create meaningful and positive impressions upon the organizations and people they work with. Innovation will take place in the Illini Union ABC rooms. Students will be provided with a fully catered lunch. Registration, found here, is open to all University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign students until January 20th.

Imprint- February 17 10 am- 4 pm

Our Imprint i-Program, taking place on February 17th, focuses on developing the leadership skills necessary during times of personal and professional transition. This program, only occurring once per academic year, is led by University of Illinois alumni from a variety of professions, academic colleges and graduating classes. During this program, Alumni will share stories of success and challenge during times of transition in their lives and students will learn how to develop, and maintain the personal and professional networks necessary to sustain success in any environment. Students will have designated time at this program to network with both their fellow students, as well as alumni. Imprint will take place in the Illini Union ABC rooms. Students will be provided with a full catered lunch. Registration, found here, is open to all University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign students until February 11th.

Please feel free to reach out with any questions you may have!



Assistant Director

Illinois Leadership Center
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
290 Illini Union MC-384
217-333-0604 | leadership.illinois.edu

Click here to see upcoming programs and workshops!