Paid Writers Workshop consultant opportunity and course

Dear colleagues,
Please help spread the word about WRIT 300: Issues in Tutoring Writing. Students must successfully complete this course to become a paid undergraduate consultant with the Writers Workshop. Here’s a brief description:
This course provides an introduction to the work of writing centers, theories of composition, and writing pedagogy. You’ll learn about writing processes, working with multilingual writers, and techniques for the one-to-one teaching of writing. You’ll also write, share your writing with others, conduct a writing-related research project, and observe and participate in tutoring sessions. The course meets for two hours each week; students also independently schedule one additional hour each week observing and co-consulting in the Writers Workshop.
Fall 2024 sections and times are:
MW 11-11:50am
MW 5-5:50pm
This course is also great option for students interested in teaching English, conducting qualitative research, and improving their own writing.
Of course, please reach out with any questions. Many thanks!
Carolyn Wisniewski
Director, Writers Workshop
Center for Writing Studies
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign