Critical Response #1 Revision and Thoughts

My first ever critical response in Rhet 105 was not too bad since I got an 8.8/10, and I was still adjusting to Ms. Hays’s grading system. She told us she did not give out any easy A’s unless it was above the standards. I revised my critical response, so it could be worthy of an A.

The first revision I made was that I removed the underline in my title since we are using MLA format. The next revision I made was that I changed “The Power of Hello” to “The Power of ‘Hello’” since it already had the quotes around the hello. Next, I fixed the problem where I was supposed to place periods and commas inside the quotation marks. I removed the words “when stating” since it made it wordy and indirect. I changed “responsibility” to “responsible” since I needed an adjective and not a noun. Another revision I made was that I changed the phrase “she would just ignore me whenever she said hello to me” to “she would just ignore me whenever I said hello to her” since the original statement did not make any sense. Finally, I changed “always brought into” to “inside” since it was wordy and indirect.

It was helpful that Professor Hays provided details and explanations for my mistakes and errors; additionally, she even provided some positive feedback as well. I looked at all my mistakes and learned from all of them. I changed everything that Ms. Hays highlighted and explained, and I knew it would be the best revision for the assignment. My thought process has changed since I am not used to rereading and revising minor assignments like this since they are not worth a lot of points; however, I learned that I could have gotten an A instead of a B if I just put more effort and looked over my writing. I was careless with my writing and learned that I need to reread my work. I had a few simple mistakes, but I learned that a simple mistake could cost me a letter grade; therefore, I learned that I need to stay focused and take my writing more serious.