Presentation at the IL-AFS Conference

Many of the results of our work are rolling in! Our new collaborator, North Joffe-Nelson, a master’s student at the University of Illinois, shared findings at the Illinois Chapter of the American Fisheries Society annual meeting on March 11th. His talk, entitled “Great Lakes Anglers’ preferences for future fishing scenarios influenced by the spread of […]

Angler Workshops

As we reach the end of 2020, we wanted to share one highlight from the past year: connecting with anglers to discuss invasive species! In early March, our team was invited to participate in a workshop hosted by IL-IN seagrant where we provided an overview of the project and engaged people in further discussion about […]

Welcome, Alexa!

This summer, we have a new intern joining the AIS team. Alexa Smith is an undergradate at the University of Illinois whose interests broadly lie in sustainability in the corporate sector. She is excited to explore the issue of aquatic invasive species as well, and we are excited to work with her to develop project […]