Technical Report:
van Riper, C.J., E.J. Golebie, S. Shin, M. Eriksson, A. Smith, C. Suski, & R. Stedman. 2020. A study of angler behavior and the spread of aquatic invasive species in the Great Lakes region. Series 20-7 Dept. of Nat. Resources., Coll. Agric. and Life Sci., Cornell Univ., Ithaca, NY. 94 pp. [Link]
Peer-reviewed Publications:
Joffe-Nelson, N., van Riper, C. J., Golebie, E., Johnson, D. N., Eriksson, M., Suski, C., Stedman, R., & Hunt, L.M. (2023). Angler preferences for management of aquatic invasive species in the US and Canada: A stated choice experiment. [enlarged infographic] [Link]
Shin, S., van Riper, C. J., Stedman, R. C., & Suski, C. D. (2022). The value of eudaimonia for understanding relationships among values and pro-environmental behavior. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 80, 101778. [Link] [PDF of abstract] [enlarged infographic]
Golebie, E., van Riper, C. J., Suski, C., & R. Stedman. (2021) Reducing invasive species transport among recreational anglers: the importance of values and risk perceptions.North American Journal of Fisheries Management, 41(6), 1812-1825. [Link][Press release] [enlarged infographic]