Welcome home to ILLINOIS! Pre-Law Advising Services (PLAS) is excited to welcome you (back) to campus! As we begin the first week of classes, we wanted to share a few beginning-of-semester items for a successful start to the academic year!
Connect to the Pre-Law Community
Connect with PLAS!
Whether you are new to pre-law or returning, make sure you stay connected with PLAS in any of the following ways:
- Instagram: Follow PLAS on Instagram and stay up-to-date!
- ListServ: Email prelaw@illinois.edu with the subject line “listserv” to get added
- Workshops and Events: Bookmark the PLAS Calendar of Events so you never miss a relevant program!
- Advising Appointments: We are anxious to meet with you and discuss your plans and goals. Be sure to set up an individual advising session!
Connect with Student Orgs!
Join us on Monday, August 28 at 6:00 pm for the Pre-Law Student Organization Meet and Greet and learn more about pre-law organizations on campus, how to join, and engage with some of our pre-law student organization leaders.
Connect with Law Schools!
Save the Date! Be sure to mark your calendar and plan to join us for the Illinois Law School Fair on October 5. Join us as we host law schools from across the country here at the Illini Union!
Connect with Resources!
PLAS maintains numerous resources designed to help you during each stage of the pre-law journey. Check them out below:
Get Organized and Updated
Organize and Update Your Resume!
This is an ideal time to review your resume and make sure it is current and ready to go for the academic year. As you review and update, be sure to include 1) any experiences from the summer – get these items locked in while it is fresh in your mind; 2) upcoming and new leadership positions or campus involvement, and 3) academic status or information including GPA, scholarships, awards, and honors.
TIP! If you don’t currently have a resume or feel your resume needs improvement, the Career Center offers a number of resources and advising opportunities to help you get started!
Organize and Update Your Goals!
Consider setting three goals in areas related to academic, personal, and professional development for this semester. Whether it be improving your writing through a successful grade in a writing course, creating a consistent exercise plan, or taking on a leadership role, determine a few ways in which you can enhance your skills and experiences this semester.
Keep in mind that whatever goals you set, it is important to be realistic and set expectations that are proportional to the time you have to accomplish them.
TIP! Don’t forget to utilize your department advisor(s) and talk to your professors! These individuals are exceptional resources to help you manage your academic progress, learn about new opportunities, and plan your future goals!
Organize and Update Your Calendar!
Creating a strong semester calendar now with important anticipated events, academic work, and obligations can be extremely helpful to your overall goals and success.
Be sure to start the semester off by including these important dates and deadlines on your semester calendar based on:
- Important Course Dates listed on your syllabus
- PLAS Master Calendar
- LSAT deadlines (if applicable)
- Work schedules
- Personal/Family Events
- Student Organization events
- Illini Sports Schedule
- Krannert Center for Performing Arts
- Volunteer Opportunities

Be sure to check out the Pre-Law website to learn more about the many resources and services available for students and alumni!