by Steve Sonka, Research Professor, ADM Institute for the Prevention of Postharvest Loss at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Recognition that reducing postharvest loss is an important opportunity to enhance global food security is not a new phenomenon. Indeed, on September 1, 1975, then US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger made the following impassioned […]

Panel Discusses What Matters in PHL Partnerships
By: Kari Wozniak & Lizzy Engele, ADM Institute How will we overcome the greatest challenge in human history? This was the question posed to us at this year’s World Food Prize Borlaug Dialogue. In Des Moines, Iowa, symposium-goers rallied behind three I’s to answer this question – through intensification, innovation, and inspiration. The event we […]

For research project, ADMI calling for success stories on PHL interventions via online survey
by ADM Institute for the Prevention of Postharvest Loss There’s no doubt – awareness about postharvest loss is increasing. While decision-makers worldwide continue to learn about the important impact of postharvest loss (PHL) reduction on food security, environmental sustainability, and rural livelihoods, we have also seen an increase in calls for evidence-based knowledge on how to […]

Are Farmers with Postharvest Loss Acting Rationally?
by Steve Sonka, Ag Economist Events vs. Structure External observers of postharvest loss in developing countries typically have little difficulty identifying loss and waste. Indeed each winter the ADM Institute contributes to the travel funding for University of Illinois business and agricultural engineering students to study in rural India. The resulting student blogs (see one […]

The Relevance of Research: Taking the Classroom to the Mills and Fields of India
by Janae Moore, Sophomore in Agricultural and Biological Engineering at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign The following post was written by students on an ADM Institute-sponsored observation study tour through India. When I heard about a trip to study agricultural supply chains in India, I jumped at the opportunity. I am a sophomore studying […]

For Landscapes, GLF Calls for Same Needs of Postharvest Loss Prevention: An Integrated Understanding
by Kari A. Wozniak, Project Coordinator, ADM Institute The landscapes approach means being holistic and integrated. It means unifying management efforts around achieving the triple win: increased yields, boosted incomes, and lowered greenhouse emissions. Certainly a good idea as it sounds, but how does one practically go about doing it? That’s what the dozens of […]

Understanding Loss Prevention Through Research: A Blog Post Series
by Kari A. Wozniak For the issue of postharvest loss which still lacks essential information, ADM Institute funded research provides important outcomes about prevention efforts. Key perspectives and learnings will be shared over coming months through a blog post series, ‘Learning from Research’. The people across the world who care about preventing postharvest loss, which […]
Research Funding and Skills Key to Food for Post-2015
Public spending on agricultural research must double in the next decade if the world is to successfully move to sustainable methods of food production, says a UN-backed report.
Firm Launches Sh8.7bn Fund to Stem Postharvest Losses
A $100 million initiative called AgResults has been rolled out in Kenya to stem postharvest losses. The project will work with entrepreneurs with the financial capability to develop cost-effective storage facilities and distribute them to the farmers. The project is funded by the UK, US, Australia, Canada, and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
Food Waste Within Global Systems
This report was commissioned by the UK’s Global Food Security (GFS) programme to better understand the issues surrounding food waste in developing and developed countries, with a particular focus on understanding where new approaches and new research may be instrumental in reducing waste.