Summer 2019 Presentations by Library Faculty and Academic Professionals

This past summer, our Library faculty, and academic professionals traveled across the world to present on a wide variety of topics. As always, we congratulate our researchers on their important contributions to the University of Illinois, the Library and Information Science department and other disciplines. A selected bibliography of these presentations is provided below.

  • Bonn, Maria, marilyn thomas-houston, Daniel G. Tracy, and Janet Swatscheno. “Platforms and People: Building a Publishing House in the Library.” Panel presentation at Library Publishing Forum 2019. Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. May 9, 2019.
  • Dolski, Alex and Joseph M. Troy. “The Library Moves to Serverless AWS Technology to Deliver High-Resolution Images Online.IT Professionals Forum Spring 2019 Conference – University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign. IDEALS @ Illinois. June 6, 2019.
  • Hahn, J. “Approaches to Systematic Transaction Data Reuse: Machine Learning Support of Information Discovery,” Poster Presentation, Artificial Intelligence for Data Discovery and Reuse (AIDR ‘19). Pittsburgh, PA. May 13, 2019.
  • —. “Student Perspectives on Personalized Account-based Recommender Systems in Libraries,” Discovery and Online Search, Part One: Drivers of Change in Online Search, NISO Online: June 12, 2019.
  • Holder, Sara H., Tim Offenstein, Kyle Rimkus, and Tracy Tolliver. “Accessibility Policy Creation: From the Beginning to the Future.” Panel presentation at IDEAL ’19 (Advancing Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Accessibility in Libraries and Archives). Columbus, OH. August 2019.
  • Jin, Qiang. “Linked Open Data for Library Digital Collections.” The 11th Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries International Conference. Florence, Italy. May 28-31, 2019.
  • Mischo, W. H. Employing APIs to create powerful data visualizations [Webinar]. In Scopus Webinar Series. May 7, 2019. Retrieved from
  • Robbins, Seth., Joseph M. Troy, Kyle Rimkus, W. Jason Strutz, and Jason Colwell. “The Challenges and Charms of a Cloud-Based Repository Infrastructure Transition: Lifting and Shifting the Library’s Medusa Repository,” at the Open Repositories 2019 Conference, Hamburg. June 13, 2019.
  • Song, Yoo-Seong. “Aligning Library Services with Campus Strategic Plans.” University Libraries 2019 Conference, Future of the Libraries. Seoul, South Korea. August 30, 2019.
  • Sotomayor, Antonio. “The Sovereign Colony and Beyond: Puerto Rico and Latin America in the Olympic Movement.” XXXVII International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association, Boston, MA. May 24, 2019.
  • Tracy, Daniel G., and Kristen Totleben. “Increasing Capacity through the ARL Digital Scholarship Institute and Local Implementation.” Paper presented at ACRL Digital Scholarship Section Digital Humanities Discussion Group Meeting. ALA 2019 Annual Conference. Washington, DC. June 22, 2019.
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