Minor Essay I reflection

I wrote this original essay very early in this year, if i remember correctly I wrote it in week one of this semester.  I remember it being one of my favorite ones to write because of the second source: The Power of ‘Hello.’ I thought this source was very much worth the read, and has actually made a difference in my life as I try to make a kind gesture to everyone I meet today.

When I revised this paper I made a few minor grammar adjustments, along with all of the comments that were given to me.  When I revised this paper I used a tool that I learned later in the year; synthesis of sources.  I also added a paragraph on the second page of which had one purpose; to discuss the synthesis of the two sources that were given.

I think the biggest thing that I learned through this particular revision process is how much my writing and writing skills have evolved over this short semester.  I feel as though that is a valuable lesson to learn, and a lesson that I, and all of my classmates, are supposed to learn through this process.

I now look at this assignment a little different then I did at the beginning of the semester.  I first looked at it as my first college essay that I wanted to get a good grade on, and just wanted to get done.  Now I look at it as a learning tool; mostly to see what I did wrong, and what I could do better.