CPT and STAT 593

If you’re an MS student and have received an offer for employment while still a student, then you would potentially qualify for Curricular Practical Training (CPT). This CPT is typically required for international MS students to be able to work as an intern. The internship must be closely related to the field of statistics. Broadly speaking, the internship should involve working with data. After receiving your internship offer (and you accept that offer), go to https://isss.illinois.edu/students/employment/f1cpt.html to make sure you qualify for CPT.

There are 3 things that you need to do in order ensure your CPT process goes smoothly.

1. Go to https://sunapsis.illinois.edu/istart/controllers/start/start.cfm to request for CPT. If I am your advisor, write my name in as your advisor in the CPT request form, then submit that.

2. Send an email to stat-ms@Illinois.edu from your Illinois email account with the following information:

  • Full legal name
  • NetID
  • UIN
  • Semester of entry to MS program
  • Semester of anticipated graduation
  • Desired semester of registration
  • Desired hours (0 or 4) of registration (See details below.)
  • Attached offer letter
  • Brief description of job (If not written into offer letter.)

Upon completion of those two items, I (or your MS advisor) should be able to complete the CPT approval.

3. Register for STAT 593 in Banner (Self-Service) for the semester that you claim to be interning.

Hours of registration: You may elect to register for 0 or 4 hours. This may have impacts on full-time status and tuition. During Fall and Spring semesters, 4 hours is most often selected.

Course requirements: If taken for 0 hours, the only course requirements are maintaining an internship, and a brief evaluation from your supervisor at the end of the term. If taken for 4 hours, there will be two additional requirements: a mid-semester and end-of-semester report. Details will be provided on Compass.

Graduation requirements: For students entering Fall 2017 or later, at most 4 hours of STAT 593 may count towards graduate requirements.