The Treasurer shall:

  1. Serve as a member of the Executive Board with the same franchise as its other members.
  2. Be the sole custodian of the financial resources of the Chapter and shall receive and hold all money of the Chapter in a depository selected by the Executive Board.
  3. Be responsible for all financial transactions of the Chapter.
  4. Keep a careful account of all Chapter income, expenses, and assets and make such disbursements as the Chapter may direct.
  5. Attend and report on the financial accounts at the Executive Board meetings.
  6. Present a financial statement of the past year in conjunction with the proposed budget for the coming year.
  7. At the completion of the accounting year, balance the accounts and then turn the records over to a committee or agency selected by the Executive Board for audit and IRS filing if required.
  8. Attend Treasurer’s Workshop as necessary.
  9. Apply for Student Organization Resource Fee (SORF) funding and attend SORF meetings with the Assistant Treasurer.
  10. Any expenses not allotted for in the budget at the beginning of the year shall be brought to and approved by the Executive Board prior to purchasing the item(s).