Reflection #2

The most difficult part for my annotated bib. was coming up with a thesis. I only needed a working thesis, but when it came to the actual research paper, it was difficult for me to form my words. I kept trying to find a way to include my stance while letting my readers know what to expect in my paper. If I don’t have an idea of what I want to write, the writing process becomes lost on me. I ended up writing a thesis that I thought captured my ideas, and went on to find evidence for my research paper. Finding evidence wasn’t too difficult; the hardest part was finding scholarly sources for my annotated bib. Most, if not all, of the scholarly sources I found weren’t very recent, so I had to make assumptions based on the issue today and the data I found.

Revising my annotated bib. didn’t require a lot of changes. For the most part, I summarized all my sources, which helped me a lot when it came time to writing my research paper. I also analyzed my sources, including the type of source it was and whether or not I would use it. The major changes I did were taking out unnecessary sentences and adding two more sources to my annotated bib. Also, based on feedback, I fixed any passive sentences that were pointed out. I went through my paper for more passive voice and tried to fix what I found. Finally, after writing my research paper, I went back to my annotated bibliography to change my thesis.

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