
Weekly Lab Meeting

The whole crew, circa February 2020

The Vision Lab, Fall 2019

2019 –  Senior Honors & Capstone Poster Fair


Pictured here is Alejo, Aiden Healy, and Simona


Pictured here is Alessandra Lanier and Simona


Pictured here is Alejo, Tony Jiahao Zhou, and Simona


Pictured here is Simona, Xue Yan Chen, and Alejo


Pictured here is Simona, Zack Lively, and Alejo


Pictured here is Zoe, Brad, and Simona


Pictured here is Simona, Brad, and Alejo


Aidan, Alessandra, Tony, Zack, Xue and Brad presented their posters both at the Undergraduate Research Symposium and at Psychology Honors & Capstone Fair.