Insect Fear Film Festival
scaring the general public with horrific films and horrific filmmaking
— Since 1984 —
Join the Entomology Graduate Students Association (EGSA) and the UIUC Department of Entomology for our annual film festival!
Held every spring, this festival is an opportunity to see movies focused on insects, interact with the insects in our petting zoo, and dispel some fears of these incredible, fascinating creatures!
42nd Annual
Insect Fear Film Festival:
Tarantulas: Hairy, Scary Spiders
The 42nd Annual Insect Fear Film Festival (IFFF) will be held on Saturday, February 22, 2025, at Foellinger Auditorium, on the campus of the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. Hosted by the Entomology Graduate Students Association in the Department of Entomology at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, this year’s theme is Tarantulas: Hairy, Scary Spiders —movies featuring tarantulas. Spiders of all kinds stoke our fears with their many legs, fast movements, and venomous fangs. Tarantulas, as some of the most recognizable spiders in the animal kingdom, have the capacity to both fascinate and terrify us. While tarantulas are popular pets for some, others are alarmed by their large size, their 8 eyes, and their hairy bodies. It’s no surprise that Hollywood has capitalized on these fears to produce a wide variety of horror films with tarantulas in the starring role. Special guest Steven Kutcher, a renowned Hollywood “bug wrangler”, will present a number of clips showing off his work in a multitude of horror films, many of which feature tarantulas. Then, the festival will screen Arachnophobia (1990), in which a California town must defend itself from a legion of deadly spiders and stop their spread across the world.
This event is FREE and open to the public. Activities will begin at 5:00 pm CST, and film introductions will start at 7:00 pm. This year’s festival will feature:
- An insect petting zoo – featuring tarantulas (which actually are arachnids, not insects)!
- Bugscope (scanning electron microscope) ) to get up-close and personal with tarantulas, other kinds of spiders, and other arthropods
- Insect arts and crafts for the whole family
- A gallery of the annual IFFF art contest featuring insect- and spider-themed artwork by local K-12 students
- …and more!!!
42nd IFFF Schedule (all times CST)
Saturday, Feb. 22
5:00 pm – Doors open; exhibits, activities, and art show in the foyer and second floor hallway
7:00 pm – Introduction to theme and movies
More details will be announced soon.
IFFF T-shirts will be available for purchase during the Festival:
2025 Student Art Competition for the 42nd IFFF
The 2025 Insect Fear Film Festival celebrates its 42nd anniversary with films about Tarantulas! The Entomology Graduate Student Association would like to invite all students, in grades K through 12, to enter the insect art contest. As always, there will be grade categories for competition. In addition, there will be best-of-show prizes various other categories to be determined. Winners will be awarded prizes by the Head of the Entomology Department before the films begin. All artworks will be on display in Foellinger Auditorium during the festival, Saturday, February 22nd, 2025.
Contest Theme: The theme of the 2025 festival is “Tarantulas: Hairy, Scary Spiders.” Participants may consider submitting artwork featuring arachnids, but any art incorporating insects or other arthropods is acceptable.
Entry Form: Each entry must be accompanied by a completed Entry Form [EN] [FR] [ES]. Please refer to the Art Contest Entry Rules [EN] [FR] [ES] for further details. The top portion of the entry form must be securely taped on all four sides to the back of the entry. The label at the bottom of the entry form should be cut out and fixed to the front of the piece on the lower right-hand side of the artwork, as indicated on the form.
Artwork: All entries must be 2-D works no larger than 11 x 14 inches, and must include student’s name, grade, school, and legible contact information for a parent or teacher. Unfortunately, we do not have space to display larger entries. Because the artwork will be moved and handled often it is important that the work be protected. Pencil, charcoal or chalk drawings should be covered with a plastic sleeve or fixed with a fixative spray. By submitting to the art contest, the participants give permission to the Department of Entomology at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign to use the artwork for promotional purposes and posted online to the related websites. We will do our best to ensure all artwork is collected for pickup by participants after the festival. However, by entering the contest, participants understand their artwork may be lost or damaged.
Delivery and pick-up of artwork: Entries may be dropped off or mailed to the Department of Entomology Office and must arrive by 5:00 pm, Thursday, February 13th, 2025. Entomology office hours are M-F, 8:30 am-noon and 1:00-5:00 pm. The Department address is:
Department of Entomology Office
320 Morrill Hall
505 South Goodwin Ave.
University of Illinois
Urbana, Illinois, 61801, (phone 217-333-2910)
All artwork must be picked up from the Department of Entomology after the festival.
IFFF History:
Click here for a history of the IFFF.
Click here for a listing of features shown at previous festivals.
Gallery of IFFF t-shirts from the last 40 years.
Press Release/Flier: 2025, 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016_1, 2016_2, 2015, 2013, 2012
Previous Insect Art Contest winners from 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2019, 2018, 2017, and 2016.
Find more information about the IFFF on Facebook
Facebook event page: