We are receiving many inquiries from students about declaring and completing a Spanish Minor along with studying abroad for Spanish which is wonderful. In order to provide the most efficient and accurate information, please encourage students to attend one of the minor information meetings scheduled for this semester. The schedule can be found on my webpage below. I have also attached it here in case you would like to send it directly as a PDF to interested students. (Some of you might also be interested in additional links found on my webpage such as Studying Abroad for Spanish, Minor Requirements, Proficiency and Placement Testing, and 100 level course information, etc.)
In the event a student cannot attend a meeting, they are encouraged to meet with me during my walk-in hours which will resume next week.
Thank you to all for your support and encouragement of our undergraduate students.
Beth Chasco
Undergraduate Spanish Advisor
4004 FLB MC-176
Walk-in hours posted weekly on: