ATTENTION: No registration changes Aug 15-17


On Mon-Wed, Aug 15-17, registration for statistics courses will be restricted to new graduate students only. This means ONLY the MS and PhD students that are just starting this Fall 2016 term can register on these days.

DO NOT make ANY changes to your statistics course registration on these days.

Any attempt to change sections or change courses will likely result in losing your seat.

If your seat is taken, we CAN’T help you re-register.

Registration is planned to return to normal on Thursday morning during business hours. An announcement will be sent to announce this. In case of delays, please do not make changes to your statistics registration until you receive the announcement.

New Summer I Course – Mindful Wilderness Experience: Leading Change From Within

I am pleased to announce an exciting new Summer I course, description below and attached. There are only 15 slots available and time is short, so please pass on to your advisees as soon as possible. Thanks!


Summer 2016 Mindful Wilderness Experience:

Leading Change from Within


Discover your authentic self.  Become a leader from within to effectively inspire change & address society’s greatest challenges. Experience the power of presence. Explore the fundamentals of sustainability and resilience. Learn how to achieve systemic change through mindfulness and ecological principles of biomimicry.


During pre-trip online sessions, learn leadership skills & mindfulness skills adapted from Koru Basic, the research-proven mindfulness program for college students. Then join a seven-day small-group wilderness experience at a base camp near Aspen, CO. On the first day, visit the world-renowned Rocky Mountain Institute & the Aspen Center for Environmental Studies to learn about sustainability & resilience. Then immerse in teachings on leadership & ecological principles, hiking & nature sensing, and Koru mindfulness retreats—preparation for an optional 1-3 night solo experience with deeper reflection.


Required online pre-trip sessions: 2 – 4:20 PM CST, Monday May 16th, Friday May 20th, Friday May 27th, & Thursday June 2nd. Trip runs June 4-11th and costs $630 without travel to Aspen. Course credit & financial aid are available at University of Illinois. For more information & registration, please visit Camping equipment available if needed.




Barbara S. Minsker
Professor and Arthur and Virginia Nauman Faculty Scholar

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering &  National Center for Supercomputing Applications

University of Illinois

3110 NCSA, MC-257

1205 W. Clark St.
Urbana, IL 61801 USA
217-265-5293 (office)
217-974-0263 (cell)

217-333-9464 (fax)


Summer History Courses

Please see the attached flyers for information on history courses being offered this summer. You have options of online (IL History), on campus (HIST 174, HIST 100), and in Chicago!


HIST 174: Black America, 1619-Present (Hist & Phil Perspect; US Minority Cultures)

HIST 100: Global History, two sections (Hist & Phil Perspect; Western Compartv Cult; Non-Western Cultures)

JS 300: Jewish Chicago (Meets at the Newberry Library in Chicago; we expect this to be cross-listed with history)

HIST 273: Illinois History (Hist & Phil Perspect)


Here’s a message for you from Prof. Rabin about her course:

Will you be in Chicago or its suburbs this summer? Are you looking for an upper level course to take while you are home?

Please consider enrolling in Jewish Chicago! The course will be taught in summer I (May 16-June 11). We will meet at the Newberry Library and on excursions throughout the city. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or if you’d like to see the syllabus.

Warm wishes,

Dana Rabin

Associate Professor, Department of History


And, more info about the HIST 100 section on Islam:

Topic: The Global Islamic World, 1250-1875

In this course we will study the Muslim world from the Mongol Conquest in the thirteenth century until the nineteenth which ushered in a modern Islamic community. Though typically the early modern period is studied as one of exploration, colonization and imperial state centralization, this is also the time of a global Islamic community. The spread of Islam not only resulted in a changing global religious community, but also accompanied the spread of trade networks, political systems and culture. However, by 1800, growing European colonial and imperial powers changed the Islamic landscape from Indonesia through India to the Ottoman lands in the Middle East and Europe and finally to North Africa. This course will focus on how the Muslim World became a global phenomenon touching and changing almost all early modern societies from Indonesia to Spain. 

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

Wendy Mathewson

Academic Advisor


Department of History

University of Illinois

309 Gregory Hall

810 S. Wright Street

Urbana, IL 61801


SOC Courses

Please advise your students about these wonderful SOC offerings for Fall 2016 semester:


Classes may show restrictions on class schedule, but for most classes, the “restriction” is that some seats are reserved for majors through early registration.  Most classes have seats available for all majors at this time.


Fall 2016 Sociology Course Offerings

SOC 100-AL1 Introduction to Sociology MWF 2:00-2:50 Lincoln Hall Theater & Discussion Section (35320)

SOC 100-AL2 Introduction to Sociology MWF 2:00-2:50 Lincoln Hall Theater & Discussion Section (41839)*DGS ONLY

SOC 100-ONL Introduction to Sociology POTA (41814)

SOC 100-PB Introduction to Sociology PB TR 2:00-3:20 (66297)

SOC 160 Global Inequality and Social Change TR 9:30-10:50 Lincoln Hall 1027 (56794)*NWC, WCC

SOC 162 Introduction to International Health Policy TR 12:30-1:50 Burrill Hall 140 (56178)*WCC

SOC 196-CB Central Asian Societies MWF 4:00-4:50 Lincoln Hall 1002 (41388)

SOC 196-IA Social Problems TR 11:00-12:20 Engineering Hall 106B1 (62882)

SOC 199-BAR Back to the 1960’s TR 8:30-9:50 (49855)*Discovery Course

SOC 200 Introduction to Sociological Theory TR 11:00-12:20 Lincoln Hall 1000 (31132)

SOC 225 Race and Ethnicity MWF 10:00-10:50 Engineering Hall 106B8 (48829)

SOC 226 Political Sociology MWF 2:00-2:50 Digital Computer Lab 1310 (31133)

SOC 270 Population Issues MWF 2:00-2:50 Lincoln Hall 1002 (35721)

SOC 274 Introduction to Medical Sociology TR 9:30-10:50 Henry Admin Bldg (41245)

SOC 275 Criminology ONL POTB (65856)

SOC 280 Introduction to Social Statistics MWF 12:00-12:50 Foreign Languages Bldg G48 (65062) & Quiz W 11:00-11:50 (35017) OR F 11:00-11:50 (65010)

SOC 350 Technology and Society ONL TR 11:00-12:20 (31135)

SOC 373 Social Stratification MWF 2:00-2:50 Burrill Hall 140 (41736)

SOC  396-TL Sociology Through Photography TR 2:00-3:20 Armory 136 (31139)*CHPHonors




Dr. Nicole Holtzclaw-Stone

Director of Undergraduate Studies

Department of Sociology

University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

3070 Lincoln Hall

702 S. Wright St.

MC 454

Urbana, IL 61801


Students can now book appointments with Sociology Advisors using the online web tool: .   Just use the drop down calendar to find “Sociology Undergraduate Advising” and then select the Advisor and week you are looking for an appointment.  Advising appointments that are available show up in green.


Please see the attached flyer for CI 210, Intro to Digital Environments, taught by  Education Professor, Dr. Robb Lindgren.  This is a fantastic course for students  interested in the impact of digital environments on teaching and learning.

CI 210 Intro to Digital Environments Flyer Fall 2016


Kathy Ryan
Assistant Dean for Academic Affairs
College of Education at Illinois │ Student Academic Affairs Office

PoliSci Course for Great Students in Summer, 2016



Will you be in the area over the summer?  Will you have Monday and Tuesday evening free?  Would you like to learn more about government?  Former U.S. Representative Tim Johnson will teach a course studying processes, policies and politics of government, with an emphasis on the federal government and the U.S. Congress.  This course is a great opportunity to learn about politics “first-hand.”   The course meets Mondays and Tuesdays, 6-8:50pm from June 13 to August 16 (Summer 2).  All are welcome.  Register at CRN: 38811


And, there are other great courses – for great students – this summer!  These include in-person classes on public policy (PS 220 in SU1 at CRN 30320) and introduction to political science (PS 100 in SU2 at CRN 30313).


For students needing just one more advanced level course or just one more general education course to finish – or for students wanting to learn and get ahead – political science offers several great on-line courses.  These include: PS 101: U.S. Government and Politics (a social science general education course required for many different programs, CRN 30314); PS 241: Comparative Politics in Developing Nations (a new on-line course, a social science and non-western general education course addressing questions of development and related issues); PS 305: The U.S. Supreme Court (an advanced course examining this political institution – now very much in the news at CRN 36371); and PS 385: Government and Politics of the European Union (CRN 38327; looking for a great idea – take this course over the summer – and take a special section of a follow-on course about Global Governance & Europe (PS 457 – CRN 66639)


Questions? Call the Department of Political Science at 333-7491 and ask to speak with an advisor.


Joseph Hinchliffe, PhD

Director of Undergraduate Studies

Department of Political Science

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

421 David Kinley Hall (DKH), MC-713

1407 West Gregory Drive

Urbana, Illinois 61801


Phone: 217.333.7491 (office)

217.244.1820 (direct)

217.244.5712 (fax)



Statistics Seminar – Thursday, April 14, 2016 – Dr. Aleksey Polunchenko

“Quickest Change-Point Detection: The Shiryaev–Roberts Approach”

Dr. Aleksey Polunchenko, State University of New York at Binghamton


Date: Thursday, April 14, 2016

Time: 3:30 PM – 4:30 PM

Location: Engineering Hall Room 106B1

Sponsor: Department of Statistics



Sequential (quickest) change-point detection is the branch of statistics concerned with the design and analysis of methods for rapid but reliable anomaly detection in “live” monitored processes. The subject’s areas of application are virtually unlimited, and include quality and process control, anomaly and failure detection, surveillance and security, finance, seismology, navigation, intrusion detection, boundary tracking—to name a few. We provide a brief overview of the state-of-the-art in quickest change-point detection with particular emphasis placed on the recently proposed Generalized Shiryaev–Roberts (GSR) detection procedure (it was proposed in 2008, but the paper came out only in 2011). Notwithstanding its relatively “young age”, the GSR procedure has already been shown to have strong optimality properties not exhibited by such mainstream detection methods as the Cumulative Sum (CUSUM) “inspection scheme” and the Exponentially Weighted Moving Average (EWMA) chart.


Honduras Water Project Courses AY 16-17

ENG 398/598 HWP will be offered in 2016-2017 to teach students who are interested in international development about how to provide sustainable infrastructure solutions by focusing on community needs, culture, and political structure. This course has been immensely popular during its first three years, and many students continue to engage with the course partnership even after graduating.


This year-long course is open to undergraduate and graduate students in all disciplines. Working with a community in rural Honduras, the students develop an understanding of community needs for a safe drinking water supply, investigate conditions that affect the operation and sustainability of the system, visit the community over Winter Break 2017 to perform field investigations, and develop a holistic design to improve the community’s health through drinking-water improvements and education. Water systems already have been constructed or are under construction in past partner communities of Las Queseras and Fatima, Honduras, and this year’s course is completing design now for the village of Cerro Verde.

In addition to engineering students, we welcome all disciplines and particularly encourage students in Community Health, Political Science, Spanish language, Global Studies, Dietetics, and Education to participate.


Ann-Perry Witmer, P.E.

IEFX Teaching Associate

EWB-UIUC Faculty Advisor

University of Illinois College of Engineering

102 Engineering Hall

1308 West Green Street

Urbana, IL 61801

Ph 217.244.7805

Illinois Fulbright Week: Explore grants for study, research, & teaching abroad

Illinois Fulbright Week will feature programming for current juniors, seniors, grad/professional students and alumni who may benefit from a Fulbright grant!  Please share this information with potentially interested students:


Illinois Fulbright Week: Explore Fulbright Grant Opportunities, April 14 – April 20!

The Fulbright U.S. Student Program awards 2000 scholarships annually for studies, research or English teaching in 150 countries. U.S. citizens who are current juniors, seniors, graduate/professional students, or alumni may apply. The National & International Scholarships Program will host Illinois Fulbright Week from Thursday, April 14 – Wednesday, April 20, featuring events for juniors, seniors,  graduate/professional students and alumni who wish to explore Fulbright opportunities and begin preparing materials for the Fulbright Priority Deadline of July 1, 2016 for grants beginning in fall 2017.  See full session descriptions here:


Thursday, April 14

Fulbright Information Session – 3:30-5:30 pm, 180 Bevier Hall

An overview of the Fulbright Program, with a panel of recent Illinois grant recipients!


Friday, April 15

Panel: Fulbright and Your Future Career – 3:00-4:00pm, 514 Illini Union Bookstore

Plan a Fulbright grant experience that positions you well for your career goals, featuring The Career Center and Illinois Fulbright alumni!


Fulbright Mixer – 4:00-5:00pm, 5th floor lobby, Illini Union Bookstore

Enjoy refreshments and network with Illinois faculty, staff, and student Fulbright alumni and learn more about their experiences on the grant. Also, connect with international Fulbrighters here at Illinois!


Monday, April 18

Fulbright Informational Webinar for Illinois Alumni and Students Abroad – 12:00-1:00pm CST

Register for the webinar here:


Fulbright Personal Statement Workshop – 3:00-4:30pm, 514 Illini Union Bookstore

Along with the Writer’s Workshop, we’ll explain everything you need to know about writing a Fulbright personal statement and help you begin to portray your own story!


Tuesday, April 19

Fulbright English Teaching Assistant Application Workshop – 3:30-4:30pm, 514 Illini Union Bookstore

Learn how to put together a competitive statement of grant purpose for the Fulbright English Teaching Assistantship!


Wednesday, April 20

Fulbright Informational Webinar for Illinois Alumni and Students Abroad – 8:00-9:00am CST

Register for the webinar here:


Workshop: Designing a Fulbright Research Proposal

Undergraduates and recent alumni – 3:00-4:30pm, 161 Noyes — Registration for undergraduate students and recent alumni:


Graduate students – 3:00-4:30pm, 308 Coble Hall — Registration for graduate students:


Join us for a crash course in research design and methods especially for Fulbright applicants.  We will explain what a Fulbright selection committee will be looking for in your proposal, and then help you start laying the foundation of a solid research design.


Many thanks,


Richelle Bernazzoli, Ph.D.

National and International Scholarships Program  |  University of Illinois

Illini Union Bookstore, 5th Floor, MC-317  |  807 S Wright St, Champaign, IL 61820

ph: (217) 333-4710  |

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