Category Archives: Activities

Fall 2016 Critical Frameworks: next stage in Grand Challenge Learning!

Grand Challenge Learning

Grow. Connect. Learn.

Dear Advisor,

Hope this finds you well!  We’re writing to remind that that Fall 2016 marks the launch of the next stage in Grand Challenge Learning: our 200-level Critical Frameworks courses on Health, Inequality, and Sustainability.  Any undergraduate student can take these courses and there are no prerequisites.  Each course takes a student one step further toward completing a Grand Challenge Learning pathway while filling at least two General Education requirements! A flyer for the courses is attached.


The Critical Frameworks courses will put students in conversation with award-winning faculty in Anthropology, Art & Design, Biology, Business, Chemistry, Education, Engineering, Geography, Labor Relations, and Literature. Each Frameworks course meets twice per week: first for a lecture that gathers all students and faculty, and next in small seminars. Through this innovative structure, students will benefit from the expertise of several​  faculty while joining one professor’s seminar with a network of peers.  They’ll meet interesting students, hear great lectures, and participate in group projects that they can publish on their own electronic portfolio.

The below links go directly to Course Explorer:


GCL 200/201*: Frameworks for Inequality & Cultural Understanding, T,Th 2-3:20pm

Gen Eds: Humanities & the Arts/US Minority Cultures

(*GCL 201 also meets Advanced Composition)

GCL 210: Frameworks for Sustainability, Energy & the Environment, M,W 3-4:20pm

Gen Eds: Humanities & the Arts/Cultural Studies

GCL 220: Frameworks for Building Healthy Communities, M,W 2-:3:20pm

Gen Eds: Humanities & the Arts/Cultural Studies


To learn more about the Critical Frameworks courses watch our new video, download our flyer, or email


Have a great week!


Lauren M. E. Goodlad
Kathryn Paul Professorial Scholar and Provost Fellow for Undergraduate Education

Professor of English and Criticism, & Interpretive Theory

The Victorian Geopolitical Aesthetic: Realism, Sovereignty & Transnational Experience

Co-Chair, Campus Conversation on Undergraduate Education

608 S. Wright Street
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Urbana, IL  61801

Roundtable discussion on Racism and Antisemitism

A Roundtable Discussion of Racism, Antisemitism….
On Campus and Beyond

Thursday March 31 1092 Lincoln Hall, 5-6:30pm

The Program in Jewish Culture & Society organized this event on the heels of recent racist and antisemitic acts on campus. What proactive steps can we take to foster an environment locally and nationally that discourages such acts and encourages diversity?
Each discussant will speak for 5 minutes so there will be ample time for open conversation Professor Virginia Dominguez, Anthropology, co-moderator.

  • Brett Ashley Kaplan, Director, Program in Jewish Culture & Society, Introduction
  • Erik McDuffie, Professor of African American Studies and History, “The Future in the Present: Transforming the Racial Climate at UIUC.”
  • Stephen Kaufman, Emeritus Professor of Cell and Developmental Biology, “Roadblocks to Diversity”
  • Scott Gendell, Jewish National Fund National Vice-President, supporter of the Program in Jewish Culture & Society, “The
    Convergence of anti-Semitism and anti-Israel Rhetoric on Campus, and Their Goal of Delegitimizing the Jewish State”
  • Sayed Kashua, Visiting Professor in Jewish Studies, “Cinderella”
  • Rabbi Alan Cook, Sinai Temple, “Do We Not All Have One Father? Has Not One God Created Us?”
  • Philip Phillips, Professor of Physics, “From Campus to the Nation: Racist Ideology”
  • Erez Cohen, Director, Hillel, “From Safe Space to Safe Campus”
  • Ruby Mendenhall, Professor of Sociology, African American Studies, Urban and Regional Planning, and Social Work, “The
    Hard Work of Building a Diverse and Inclusive University Community”

Department of English Course Showcase — Tomorrow!

Please share the following information with interested students.  The Fall 2016 Course Showcase will take place from 4-5:30 pm in Room 160 English Building.  If you’re receiving this message, you’re invited to attend as well!  This is a wonderful opportunity for advisors to learn more about our offerings and can be helpful when suggesting general education or elective courses for your students as we enter priority registration.


Pizza and refreshments provided!  Hope to see you there!

ASA Datafest – Loyola University Chicago

During the weekend of April 08-10, the Math/Stat Department at Loyola is organizing an ASA Datafest event to take place at the Lake Shore Campus of Loyola University Chicago.


I am writing to you so that you can help us advertise this event to the undergraduate and masters students in your Department/University. Note that this is not restricted to statistics students. I attached to this email a poster that could be used for advertising either by posting it in the boards or forwarding the email.


The ASA website for the event is here:


Our event at Loyola is funded by several companies, including Google, Open Datagroup, Gallup and Baseball Prospectus, among others. Prizes will be awarded to the best groups.

The official website for the Loyola event (including registration) is here:


Thank you for helping us spread the word.

Adriano Z. Zambom
Assistant Professor of Statistics – Loyola University Chicago

Interfaith Literacy and Racial Justice Allies & Advocate Trainings

Racial Justice Allies & Advocates Training

Thursday, April 7th from 1-4pm

Bruce D. Nesbitt African American Cultural Center (51 E. Gregory Dr.)


Registration is now open for the Racial Justice Allies and Advocates training session on Thursday,  April 7th. The training is designed as an introduction to the subject of race and racism on campus. It aims to provide students, faculty, and staff with a core awareness of the structures of racism, its role in interpersonal relationships, and empower participants to work as allies by elevating the voices of underrepresented populations at the University of Illinois.

The training will take place on Thursday, April 7th from 1pm-4pm at the Bruce D. Nesbitt African American Cultural Center. Follow the link below to register by Monday April 4th. For more information, contact


Bringing Higher Education Professionals to the Interfaith Party

1-4pm, Friday, April 1st

Ikenberry SDRP Room 2050

(301 E. Gregory Dr.)


Higher education expert Dr. Kathy Goodman (Miami University – Oxford) will present a training for staff, faculty, and graduate students on the ways student affair professionals can best engage in interfaith work with students. This interactive training will include skills for creating a safe and tolerant campus climate. This session is a pre-conference for the Illinois Interfaith Conference. Register to attend this session and the entire conference at The Illinois Interfaith Conference is co-sponsored by a variety of campus and student organizations, and funded in part by SCPF, SORF, PCC, CRFB, and the Interfaith Youth Core’s Interfaith Leadership Lab.



Ross A. Wantland, M.Ed.

Director, Diversity & Social Justice Education

Advisor, Kappa Delta Chi Sorority

Chair, NASPA IV-E Spirituality & Religion in Higher Education KC

Diversity & Social Justice Education

1001 S. Wright St. (MC-410)

Room 5, Second Floor

Champaign, IL 61820

Free 5K Race/Walk and Health Fair

Avicenna Community Health Center — Student Initiative will be hosting a 5K run/walk on April 3rd. The 5K event will be entirely FREE for all participants and food/refreshments will be provided. In addition, there will be an associated wellness fair featuring both health professionals and other health-orientated organizations.


Join Avicenna on a beautiful spring day where you can run or walk with fellow supporters as staff times your pace, hands out awards, and provides relevant health information.


Registration Link:

Event Date: April 3rd, 2016 (8 AM – 12 PM)

Event Address: UIUC Arboretum – 2001 S. Lincoln Avenue, Urbana, IL 61802




Cassie Meinert

Academic Advisor for Kinesiology

Department of Kinesiology and Community Health

College of Applied Health Sciences

G.R.I.T. – An Extended Orientation for Transfer Students

Hello LAS Transfer Students,

The Office of New Student Programs is hosting a University-wide transfer student event called G.R.I.T.  The purpose of this event is to provide an opportunity where you can network with other transfer students on campus.  Please attend this incredible event as it is a great opportunity specifically for transfer students!




You are invited to G.R.I.T.! Save the date and mark your calendars.

What is G.R.I.T.?

G.R.I.T. stands for Guiding Resilient Illinois Transfer Students. It is a one-day interactive program, in which you have the opportunity to learn more about yourself, the U of I, and meet and socialize with new transfer students.

There are a variety of programs and activities that will help make your transition and time here at U of I all the more worthwhile. This includes Career Center services, career fair prep, team building, StrengthsQuest, and much more. Lunch will be provided.

Why G.R.I.T.?

There is a long-list of reasons to attend, so we’ll provide you with a just few of those:

  • Network with other transfer students
  • Discover your strengths
  • Develop close friendships with other transfer students
  • Learn more about career prep and career fair advice
  • Have fun

When is G.R.I.T.?

March 6th from 10 AM – 4 PM

Where is G.R.I.T.?

Activities and Recreation Center (ARC) Multipurpose Room 6

Sign up here:

We can’t wait to see you all there!

INNER VOICES Social Issues Theatre, March 2-4

test image



INNER VOICES Social Issues Theatre presents:
a look at the way we look at one another across societal divides
Tell It!
A Contemporary Choral for Black Youth’s Voices, is a performance piece about the premature death of Black and queer youth, remembering their lives, healing ourselves, and dreaming of a better world which does not necessitate their death.
Armory Free Theatre, Room 160 Armory
Wednesday             March 2nd @ 8:00 PM
Thursday                  March 3rd @ 8:00 PM
Friday                         March 4th @ 5:00 PM
Friday                         March 4th @ 8:00 PM
Undergrad Library
March 9th @ 7:00 PM (SIDE-EYE Only)
Illinois Street Res Hall
March 17th @ 8:00 PM
All performances are free and open to the public.
A discussion follows each performance.
All locations are wheelchair accessible.
INNER VOICES Social Issues Theatre is sponsored by the Counseling Center and the Department of Theatre at the University of Illinois.
Tell It! by Durell Callier, is sponsored in part by the LGBT Resources Center


Lisa Fay
Ensemble Director 
Program Coordinator
INNER VOICES Social Issues Theatre
Devising Social Issues Theatre|Theatre/GWS 418

Become a Transfer Advantage Intern

Hello LAS Transfer Students,

The College of LAS is looking for Transfer Advantage interns for the Fall 2016 semester.  This amazing internship opportunity will give participants experience in developing leadership, team building, and interpersonal skills–skills that almost any job field will require.

The LAS 199-Transfer Advantage course was designed by transfer students for transfer students.  This 8-week graded course is taught each semester for one (1) credit.  The goal of the course is to help acclimate first semester transfer students to the U of I.  LAS recognizes the importance of assisting new transfer students on this campus so we are increasing the number of sections offered from 9 to 15 to increase the availability of the course for the Fall 2016 semester.

Transfer Advantage Interns will facilitate LAS 199-Transfer Advantage.  We are looking for 15 successful LAS transfer students to lead this course.  In order to meet the eligibility requirements for this internship, you must have an Illinois GPA of 3.0 or higher, be a current LAS student, and have spent at least two (2) semesters at the U of I.  If you are selected, you will receive 3 hours of advanced level LAS credit (LAS 399).

If you are interested in being an LAS Transfer Advantage Intern, fill out an application here:

All applications must be submitted in hard copy to 2002 Lincoln Hall by 4 P.M. on March 4, 2016.  We will be notifying those selected for an interview by March 16, 2016.

Please contact me if you have questions about this opportunity.


Kristy Valentin
Academic Advisor and Re-entry Coordinator
Student Academic Affairs Office
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Click here to see this online


Become a Transfer Advantage Intern

Hello LAS Transfer Students,

The College of LAS is looking for Transfer Advantage interns for the Fall 2016 semester.  This amazing internship opportunity will give participants experience in developing leadership, team building, and interpersonal skills–skills that almost any job field will require.

The LAS 199-Transfer Advantage course was designed by transfer students for transfer students.  This 8-week graded course is taught each semester for one (1) credit.  The goal of the course is to help acclimate first semester transfer students to the U of I.  LAS recognizes the importance of assisting new transfer students on this campus so we are increasing the number of sections offered from 9 to 15 to increase the availability of the course for the Fall 2016 semester.

Transfer Advantage Interns will facilitate LAS 199-Transfer Advantage.  We are looking for 15 successful LAS transfer students to lead this course.  In order to meet the eligibility requirements for this internship, you must have an Illinois GPA of 3.0 or higher, be a current LAS student, and have spent at least two (2) semesters at the U of I.  If you are selected, you will receive 3 hours of advanced level LAS credit (LAS 399).

If you are interested in being an LAS Transfer Advantage Intern, fill out an application here:

All applications must be submitted in hard copy to 2002 Lincoln Hall by 4 P.M. on March 4, 2016.  We will be notifying those selected for an interview by March 16, 2016.

Please contact me if you have questions about this opportunity.


Kristy Valentin
Academic Advisor and Re-entry Coordinator
Student Academic Affairs Office
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

  LAS STUDENT ACADEMIC AFFAIRS | 2002 Lincoln Hall | 702 S. Wright St. | Urbana, Illinois 61801  

Academic conversation skills workshops for intl students (from Linguistics Department)

The Linguistics Department is offering a series of workshops (see attached and below) focused on helping international students develop oral English skills. These workshops do NOT focus on the EPI, but they would be very useful for students who want to increase their confidence when using English in academic settings. The first workshop session is this week (Tuesday and Friday).


Following is the eWeek announcement, should you wish to pass it and/or the attached flyer on to your international students:


2016 Academic Conversation Workshop Series for international students

Do you have any international students having trouble with participating in class or interacting with you due to language barrier or cultural differences? Academic Conversation Skills Workshop Series offer tips and strategies to overcome such challenges for international students and visiting scholars. Visit our website for more info on times, location, and sign-up details.

Jin Kim . Sponsored by 2015 Faculty Retreat Grant