Student-Generated Rubrics


To motivate students toward critical thinking, analysis, and evaluation through the co-creation of grading rubrics. 


Students work with the instructor to create grading rubrics that are then applied to their work. Engaging students in the development process calls on them to both apply and evaluate their own learning. 


self-reflection, critical thinking 


  • Developing a rubric can prompt students to reflect on their own learning and identify strengths and weaknesses. 
  • The rubric design process provides opportunity for students to apply their own learning. 
  • Developing a rubric with the instructor holds students accountable for their learning. 
  • Developing a rubric provides students agency by allowing them to take ownership of their learning and their work efforts. 
  • Allowing students some control in the assessment process supports them in becoming more involved in their learning. Doing so can also foster a stronger relationship between students and the instructor. 


  1. Provide students with a sample or drafted rubric, as well as specific guidelines and parameters for how to create or edit it. Plan ahead for how detailed, how long, etc. the rubric should be. 
  2. Allow students time to ask questions or clarify the design process. 
  3. Consider how open-ended the rubric can be, as well as the degree to which it can be personalized from student to student. Consider how assessment plays a role in the assignment (e.g., Is the work more effort- or accuracy-based?). 
  4. Plan in advance how much weight the rubric will have, and communicate this clearly to students. 


Center for Teaching and Learning, University of Boulder, Colorado. Co-creating rubrics with Students.   

Fraile, J., Panadero, E., & Pardo, R. (2017). Co-creating rubrics: The effects on self-regulated learning, self-efficacy, and performance of establishing assessment criteria with students. Studies in Educational Evaluation. DOI: 10.1016/j.stueduc.2017.03.003   

Roach, K., Smith, M. S., Marie, J., Tilley, E., & Mitchell, J. (2017, September). How Student Generated Peer-Assessment Rubrics use Affective Criteria to Evaluate Teamwork. European Society for Engineering Education (SEFI).