Pengyuan Shen, William Braham, and Yun Kyu Yi, “Development of a lightweight building simulation tool using simplified zone thermal coupling for fast parametric study.” Applied Energy, Volume 223, 1 August 2018, Pages 188-214.
Lab will receive $5000 this summer to utilizing AWS. Lab will use this service to develop a methodology to evaluate qualitative performance of the building by using Amazon Rekognition.

Associate Professor Scott Murray is the author of a new article, titled “Architects and the Cultural Agency of Television: Frank Lloyd Wright on The Mike Wallace Interview,” published in the current issue of the journal Thresholds, Volume 46.
“Thresholds is the annual peer-reviewed journal produced by the MIT Department of Architecture, held in over 150 university art & architecture libraries around the world. Content features leading scholars and practitioners from the fields of architecture, art, and culture. Thresholds is published by MIT Press.” –
Associate Professor Scott Murray was invited to lecture at the College of Architecture & Design at the New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT) on April 2, 2018, at 5:00 PM.
As the NJIT website explains, “The Evening Lecture Series brings nationally and internationally recognized architects, academics, and allied professionals to NJIT to discuss their current work and developments in the professions of architecture and design. Lecturers bring a diversity of experience and viewpoints to our students, faculty and the greater university community.” (
Murray’s lecture, titled “Culture and Technology: Intersections at the Building Envelope,” features his research on facade design and its dual roles in defining both the technological and cultural impacts of architecture in the last 100 years.
See Prof. Murray’s faculty profile here:
Associate Professor Scott Murray recently presented research papers at two national conferences in March.
At the Façade Tectonics 2018 World Congress in Los Angeles, he presented “Paul Rudolph’s Christian Science Building (1965): The Concrete Façade of a Forgotten Brutalist Masterpiece.” In addition to academic researchers, presenters represented leading architecture and engineering firms as well as façade fabricators and manufacturers. More information about the Façade Tectonics event can be found at
At the 106th Annual Meeting of the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture (ACSA) in Denver, Prof. Murray spoke on “The Avian Ethics of Facades: Considering Wildlife Constituencies in Architectural Design” in the Ecological Ethics session of the conference. More information about the ACSA can be found at
See Prof. Murray’s profile at